Michael F Schundler
2 min readSep 7, 2019


The key thing to remember about Germany as Hitler came to power are the following as relayed to me by German relatives:

  1. The need to disarm the public for the safety of the nation and establish law and order (which party is trying to disarm the public
  2. Strong negative feelings towards the wealthy, who were identified as “greedy rich Jews”… the Germans were not concerned about “poor Jews”, the anti Semitic feelings were as much against wealth during a depression/recession as religion.(which party is promoting class warfare and targeting a group of people… say “old white men” as an example)
  3. The argument that the people needed to trust one Party to fix the country and it would take care of “the people” (which party to tried to seize power through a bureaucratic coup)
  4. Ideology over Process (which party is wanting to redo the size of the Supreme Court, re-write the Constitution, etc. to insure they stay in power in the future)
  5. Entitlements (the country was suffering from the Depression and people were willing to give away their freedom for government subsidies (largely funded by seizing and distributing the wealth of the Jews)
  6. Convince the nation that only the government could save it from destruction (which party says the government needs to launch a war on the scale of WW2 to beat back climate change and needs the power to execute the challenge)

Germans in the midst of the Depression surrendered much to government because it promised everything (who is promising everything)… in the end what did the Germans really get… another war, concentration camps, the inability to rise up against government, and ideology led government (nazism). History does not repeat itself, but it imitates itself in different ways.

Love or hate Trump, he is the opposite of Hitler in that he keeps withdrawing the Federal government from our lives through deregulation and returning many decisions back to the states. His actions are those of an outsider preparing to return to “the outside”. Trump has weakened Federal power which is the opposite of what a dictator would do. Trump acts like someone planning to return to the general public someday and does not want a strong Federal government standing on the throats of the people.

If you want to fear someone, here is the key… look for people that are career bureaucrats that also have used government to amass wealth and power and when the time comes seek to extend their time in government. It really is that simple. No need fear politicians that move on… it is the ones that won’t that we need to fear…



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