Michael F Schundler
3 min readApr 25, 2024


The hate people direct towards Trump is really a measure of the hate they feel toward around half the country. Those hate filled people cannot see the havoc Biden's policies have inflicted on the working poor and increasingly the middle class. They live in their bubbles, ignore their lying eyes and trust the media to tell them things are fine.

It is easy for them to think that somehow Trump is the problem, since the alternative is that they are the problem.

The best way to understand Trump is that he is an opportunist. He says what half the country is feeling. They are sick and tired of being told they are racists, they are dumb, they have no rights as parents, they should shut-up because the elite no what they are doing and are doing things for the good of the people, even as the elite get richer and poor get poorer.

The working poor are tired of being walked over. Progressive liberals don't compete with illegal immigrants for housing or jobs. They don't depend on social services that are rapidly being exhausted. They are not seeing their jobs shipped overseas by the wealthy in best position to stop that be keeping production at home.

These Americans don't want to hear from wealthy government appointed czars flying their private jets around the world and attending conferences in Switzerland, that they are losing their jobs for the greater good of the world. They have sacrificed enough and realize the policies of Biden's administration translate into not being able to buy their children presents for their birthday, because they are busy buying their children food. Green Energy policies sounds great, except when it translates into energy poverty.

That is why attacking Trump isn't working. Trump is not the problem. The problem is the nation is suffering, they have had enough of the progressive liberal agenda and all its nonsense.

Like Trump, Biden is even less to blame. Biden is a useful idiot, more dead than alive, being used as the "face" of a progressive liberal agenda imagined by some ivory tower professors, promoted by insulated media talking heads earning millions of dollars, all under the influence of wealthy owners and benefactors.

The country is spinning down a rat hole, that will be characterized by the hollowing out of the middle class and a return to a modern age version of the medieval feudal society.

When we hit bottom, the country won't be able to support its social safety net and millions of people will have to resort to crime to feed themselves and their families. The rich will take shelter in their gated homes abandoning all those young people that thought the elite 1% who filled them with dumb ideas, actually cared about them.

Many of the elite 1% are smart people and that is a problem. Smart people think they know better than everyone else... but the truth is no one on the planet has an IQ high enough to manage an economy as complex as a modern developed nation's economy. But the elite 1% do know how to take care of themselves.

I live in California, watch my state. We will lead the country down this rat hole, it may already be too late here in California to stop it, but much of the country can still recover. Trump is not a genius, when you vote for Trump, you are voting to end the current policies driving this country to the brink. Sadly, it will take a decade or more to recover from the last four years. We will suffer a major economic recession and trillions is hard earned savings will be destroyed by inflation. And from that wreckage, Americans will learn that socialism does not work... again. I say again, because we have been down this road before.

Those who lived through the 70s understand what is ahead. Buckle up... the quicker we turn away from the current policies of the Biden administration the shorter the recovery. This coming election has nothing to do with Trump vs Biden, the election is about whether you believe the current hardship experiencing by over half of America is a product of progressive liberal policies or not.

Again, the proof is California/New York vs Texas/Florida. Compare the trends in both states and decide which one offers you, your children and grandchildren the better future. Be honest, focus on the outcomes, not which ideology you find more appealing.



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