The following addresses Biden's assertions about the economy.
Democrats have tried to convince people that recession has something to do with jobs and not economic growth. It doesn't. For example, if you have two jobs and earn 10% less, how are you better off?
This time's different...
This recession is different than past recessions. In many recessions, the impact of a shrinking economy is largely felt by those who lose their jobs and so unemployment operates as a "proxy" with respect to what is going on. In this recession, the impact of a shrinking economy is broadly distributed over most of the population who report a worse personal financial situation then they enjoyed under Trump. As CNN reported more people than ever feel like they are worse off. Exactly why has a lot of good reasons, but most of them are tied to inflation or stagnant economic inflation adjusted growth.
So, while neither unemployment rates or "how people feel are the final measure of recession, each act as a proxy regarding the state of the economy.
Perhaps the best way to describe the Biden economy is a "boom" for government largely offset by a bust for the citizens. So, Americans feel worse off, and government is doing just fine.