Michael F Schundler
2 min readOct 3, 2022


The FBI and DOJ already admitted they took documents and reviewed them, that broke the law by violating attorney client privilege. That is a big "no no"...

Undetermined yet is whether an ex-President is protected by executive privilege. Note, Biden did not waive executive privilege, he has no authority to do. He did not assert executive privilege.

But it is unclear, whether executive privilege ends when a President leaves office. Until that is determined, many other documents could be subject to illegal seizure by the FBI. Furthermore, viewing those documents could create another legal issue for the DOJ.

Compound that with 30 whistleblowers at the FBI stating that the FBI is pursuing a political agenda and acting in a retaliatory way against the whistleblowers which is also illegal.

And it may turn out the FBI and DOJ are on trial for abuse of power.

Finally, a special master has only the authority given the special master by the judge, no more... period end of story. Clearly, the special master exceeded that authority and had the judge allowed that order to stand, it may well have created another argument for the defense, that could argue before they could respond to that request, they would need more time to examine each document since they did not have time to inventory the documents taken by the FBI.

I have seen this judge do nothing that is "corrupt" or inconsistent with the law. Instead, she is trying to fix the mess the FBI and DOJ created when they used unnecessary force, which is illegal. Since, then the DOJ and FBI have committed one error after another.

I am beginning to wonder, if the DOJ will even charge Trump after this fiasco.

The issue is not whether the DOJ had a right to recover government property or even whether possession of such property violated the law, those things will be determined at a later date. The issue for now, is did the FBI and DOJ violated the law and in doing so undermine any case that might bring against Trump. The DOJ and FBI is so busy "playing to the media" they are creating problems with their legal case. For departments which say their policies are not to comment regarding ongoing investigations, they have been leaking like a torpedoed ship.



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