The fact that women feel the same way as men on the issue of abortion makes it hard to argue your point that I am misogynistic, especially since I see situations where abortions should be an option and my views are shared by most women and I mean the vast majority. Don’t be fooled into thinking your position is the majority opinion among women, it is not.
As noted in the article above, 77% of Americans pretty evenly split between men and women, so 75% of your gender want to see Roe v Wade upheld, which means they believe that the government does have an obligation to protect the life of an unborn baby once its viable. Among the 77% that support keeping the law as established under Roe v Wade in place, people have different opinions on how it should be tweaked, but only 14% want to see the restrictions reduced. So don’t go stupid and try to use the gender argument it should be beneath you.
Finally, I have no interest in any woman’s vagina other than my wife’s, who enters that vagina should be each woman’s decision, and as you clearly point out if she does not want to get pregnant she can insist the man get “snipped” or wears a condom or she takes birth control. But in those cases where she chooses to allow a man to enter her vagina as you say, then she accepts that entails risks, but even then I am not challenging her right to an abortion until the baby reaches the point of viability then I have an interest in seeing that baby’s life protected.
In a similar manner, I have no interest in what you do in your home or with your children unless you abuse your children. Then I do have an interest in seeing your children are safe. Or do you believe child abuse is the right of the mother after all the babies were made in her womb? Sounds silly… so does the idea that a perfectly viable unborn baby has no rights, sound silly to most Americans including women.
You want to depersonalize the baby… make him or her an it… and if the baby were an “it”, then there would be no issue. But that simply is not true and deep down you know it. When women have an ultra sound how do they refer to the image, as an image of a “thing” or their baby? We all know as soon as a couple finds “they” are pregnant, they don’t go around referring to the “it” in the woman’s body… and most women get testy when men say they are pregnant and prefer men to acknowledge it is a “team” effort. Notice the title of this article… in Parents (Your Baby’s First Ultrasound)
That the government spends an enormous amount of money raising the children of today is beyond question. Whether you think it should be more or less is a matter of subjective opinion. As Hillary Clinton said, it takes a village to raise a child… and if it takes a village, then the whole village has an interest in the child… not just the child’s mother. You can’t have it both ways…
On the positive side, the issues we are debating are becoming less of an issue today. Fewer woman are choosing to have abortions. And because of the drug store pregnancy tests many are able to determine that they are pregnant long before the baby is viable. And so the debate is largely about women who have second thoughts late in their pregnancy or find out their are serious issues with the baby or mother the mother’s health or some combination thereof. Of all the reasons, the “second thoughts” one is the one most Americans simply cannot support and it was also the one the Supreme Court could not support in Roe v Wade. So again, you issue is not with men or me… it is with women, who feel the same as men on the issue.