Michael F Schundler
2 min readMay 4, 2022


The emotional argument is best made in the hospital while observing a physician crush the skull of an unborn baby in order for it to fit down the birth canal. Then observing the crushed head, limbs, and mutilated body being pulled out piece by piece until the unborn baby lies in parts at the bottom of a biohazard bag.

The only argument for abortion is one based on selfish choices while ignoring the rights of the child and pretending the baby does not exist. Otherwise, caring people would look at both what the woman “wants” and the what the baby “wants”.

I ran an Ob/Gyn group of over 50 physicians in South Florida. Only two could bring themselves to do abortions on demand and those two did so unapologetically for the money (abortions are quite profitable) and at the disgust of their peers. Abortions are necessary in some instances, but necessary and “elective” are different.

When “necessary” virtually all OBs will do abortions. Reasons like the health risk to the mother, non-viable baby, multiples, rape, incest… something, anything to make the procedure medically necessary and not “elective”.

If the Supreme Court witnessed an abortion, they would be outlawed absent compelling medical reasons for them. Not sure most women want the Court to make an emotional ruling.

The optimal time to abort a baby is in the first 48 hours of conception or after the baby is born. If a woman does not want a child, the morning after pill is the solution, that does not entail another human being ripping a baby out of the womb. It is perhaps the best alternative given how horrible the other ones are for both the woman and baby (who will still die, but not a painful death).

Depending on insurance or lack of it, the morning after pill cost $10–70. Taking the pill before a woman knows whether she is pregnant or not helps to alleviate some of the PASS symptoms that accompany 65% of women that have surgical abortions (the 14% number generally quoted refers to women that have full blown PTSD).

The second option is post-delivery. There are so many couples prepared to foot the full cost of the pregnancy. Keep in mind only 1 in 36 couples approved for adoption are able to do so annually due to the severe shortage of babies to adopt. So why end the life of a baby, when that baby is so wanted by a loving couple desperate to have what another woman does not want.

I usually don’t go with the emotional arguments. For most people the emotional arguments end as soon as they have witnessed an abortion up front and close. Evidence of that is the reluctance to even admit an unborn baby is a baby. But you want an emotional argument, here is one…



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