The difference between Christianity and atheism comes through with respect to government. Christians feel any government that violates the unalienable rights given to humans by the Creator has no right to exist.
Atheists feel that governments have the right to deny people rights as long as their societal contract dictates that... and so under an atheist government, the government has a right to act for the greater good and ignore individual rights if that produces the greater good. In essence, Christianity says rights are unalienable because they come from God and atheism argues rights are privileges granted by government.
Under Christianity governments are accountable to higher power that compels it to respect our individuality. Under Atheism government is accountable to the people with the most power. To be sure, many Christians ignore Christian values.
But the Bible makes pretty clear that love it the greatest value of all. Atheism has no similar higher authority or hierarchy of values and so love may be valued or ignored.
The Bible is pretty clear about the importance of love... God so loved the world that He gave us His Son, love thy neighbor as thyself, of all of this love is the greatest, etc. Christians are confronted with the challenge of living up to God's expectations.
For atheists they must live up to their own expectations.
One of the greatest sins of mankind is the desire for power. To acquire power, one must have power over others and things. Your issue is not with Christianity or Atheism, your issue is with the nature of man and the desire to have power over others.