The core values that make up America is that each person is created equal with unalienable rights. One of those rights is the individual right to pursue happiness including the right to practice the religion of your choice. This core value of individual freedom applies to Muslims and as such they have the right to individually practice their religion as they choose but they do not have the right to infringe on others.
Each person needs to determine if they can accept that people have individual rights and should not be forced to conform to collective beliefs of any group.
In America the two groups that seem most inclined to want to infringe on the rights of others, are the progressive liberals and the politically driven conservative Christians. However, it appears in some western nations, Islam is emerging as a third group prepared to impose their values on others.
When movements be they ideological or religion-based attempt to impose their values on a society, it creates a conflict that ends in violence.
A small example of that is the recent violence on college campuses between Palestinians and Jews largely led by Palestinians groups. Regardless of what is happening in Israel and Gaza, in America groups have the right to peacefully protest, but not interfere with the daily lives of individuals they disagree with.
But something in the Palestinian's values system allowed them to believe it was okay to interfere with Jewish students attending class and disrupt the college activities which many students had paid thousands of dollars to attend. By what right did they feel that had any right to do that? Where did they come by that belief?
Again, to be clear, the Palestinian Muslims are not the only group in recent history that felt they had a right to violate the rights of others, but it illustrates the struggle western civilization that values individual freedom has with groups that don't.
Again, I don't think Islam is the only movement that disrespects individual freedom, but as the number of Muslim immigrants grow the frequency of these incidences where individual freedom has been violated has increased.