The College Educated, the Uneducated and the Uninformed
People confuse these terms. Some of the most uneducated people, I have met went to college, after college (decades ago, they stopped reading/learning). Then there are the uninformed, that limit themselves to very few sources 0f information with highly biased narratives. These two groups tend to understand the world as it exists in their bubble.
There are people who did not go to college that are uneducated or/and uninformed, but the key point is that being educated and informed are related to your understanding of the world and not where you spent a few years of your life.
I read over 100 books in college, I have read over 1500 books since then. Literacy is not the ability to read, but the practice of reading continuously. Our nation is losing its ability to critically think, because we are being trained to echo narratives rather than use our reading skills to gather facts and opinions and make our own educated and informed decisions.