Michael F Schundler
2 min readNov 26, 2024


The "Collapse has been coming" for around 2000 years. Fearmongering about the future has been a "business" for millennia.

People who don't study history, don't understand that the government we have today is left over from FDR, who was the closest to thing to a dictator America every experienced. And once elected served four terms and only his death ended his "reign".

To "run" the country he created an "administrative state" reporting to him. When Trump talks about draining "the Swamp", he is saying those agencies that have accrued power to investigate, prosecute, regulate, and use federal funds to manipulate your behavior need to be downsized and their power curtailed.

The federal government's job is protecting our country from foreign and domestic enemies in a fairly narrow definition of the word (i.e. parents who disagree with school boards are not domestic terrorists). The federal government also exists to support to regulate interstate trade and oversee the primary transportation systems that link our nation together (i.e . while the Mississippi river is a primary transportation component linking facilitating trade and so falls under the federal government purview, a tiny stream in Wisconsin that drains into the Mississippi and is not navigable is not). And third, the federal government exists to protect the civil rights of its citizens through the federal court system. That's pretty much it. Along the way, the government has become the "mis-manager" of statutory "insurance" programs like Medicare and Social Security (plundering their reserves and leaving low interest IOUs in their place).

If Trump is successful, then the overreach of the administrative state created by FDR will be addressed. For citizens that like the level of control and regulation exerted by these agencies, they should move to states that operate that way. There are no similar limits on state "powers" in our Constitution (unless they violate their citizens' civil liberties). And so, citizens will have a choice, and it will be interesting to see what they choose.



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