The changes you are advocating for have already occurred and some of your facts are wrong.
Ignoring the ethics of abortion, if women collectively got to determine the abortions laws in this country without men, the laws would be more restrictive than with men. If you look at the Harvard Harris poll done at the time of Dobbs, women favor more restrictive limits on elective abortions, but not by much.
In general, around 37% oppose abortions other than medically necessary ones. 35% want to limit elective abortions to the first 15 weeks (more restrictive than Roe v Wade). Another 18% want the Roe v Wade standard. And 10% want no limits.
For generations women have been marginalized, but that is no longer the case. Within the next generation, they will control the majority of the wealth. They already make up over 50% of college and medical school graduates.
Payscale's compensation studies show women have achieve pay equity... as in equal pay for equal work.
Two thirds of open seats for Congress were won by women and 80% of open seats for governor were won by women.
If you study activity at the margin, women are not being marginalized today. There is a legacy transition period that will occur over this generation. But demographic studies suggest that white males may become the marginalized group of the future. Personally, I favor an end to gender and race politics, but just in case I have hedged by bets. My grandchildren will be mixed race whites, blacks, and Asians and at least one who is mixed Hispanic. My hope is that identity politics doesn't determine their futures, but rather individual character and talent.
As for sports, I think men have more narrowed interests than women and that benefits sports and men's sports. Women have broader interests, of my four daughters, only one would drag you to a sporting event and that event is hockey. One other daughter was an academic all American in women's water polo and a bronze medalist in the Junior Olympics, but she has moved on to medical school and except for the Olympics does not watch sports.
It actually is going to take a change in women's view of sports to achieve greater pay for women in sports. But I don't see it happening based on the behaviors of my daughters and granddaughters.