Michael F Schundler
2 min readSep 28, 2022


That is a pretty toxic list. The Democrats fooled America in 2020 when it rolled out Joe and told America, he was a moderate. None of the "traditional" liberals on your list got much swing state Democratic support.

The Democrats sort of conceded this point recently when it began backing the most extreme conservative Republicans financially in the 2022 primaries... The DNC spent millions upon millions of dollars to get the most conservative Republicans the nomination.

It might backfire if those candidates win, but the DNC logic is the only chance a progressive liberal has winning in a swing election is if they face extremely conservative opponents.

But if that is the case, then Democrats are saying they are out of touch with most Americans and so they are positioning themselves as the "best" worse choice, instead of bending to what the people want.

I think that is a poor strategy, but we will see come this November. If Democrats take a beating and lose the House and Senate, then I think your list is toast.

If the Democrats hold both Houses, your list has a chance. If the Republicans win the House and Democrats keep the Senate, the question will be who do the Democrats run for President in 2024, knowing 9 Democratic Senate seats in swing states are up for grabs. Why gamble to win the Presidency and increase the chances of the Republicans getting both Houses and the White House.

If I were a progressive liberal, I would be strongly encouraging Congress to strip the President of his "emergency powers" including Executive Orders except when responding to foreign threats. Limit the power of Federal agencies.

I would then strip the courts of their ability to make laws, using the SCOTUS rulings to support that case.

Then I would reaffirm the filibuster. I would then pass bipartisan legislation placing limits on Federal authority.

Why embrace what is largely the Republican agenda in these areas. Simple, the Republicans are likely to be in charge soon, and Democrats can preserve greater influence over their coastal states if they don't contribute to the ability of what is likely to be a conservative Washington to impose laws on them for at least 8 years.

America is not on board with the progressive liberal agenda and the Virginia 2021 races have long been forgotten, but they capture the changing sentiment in this country.

The time has come for progressive liberals to hunker down in their deep blue states.



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