Michael F Schundler
3 min readSep 21, 2022


That is a bit of a misnomer. The Federal government does not subsidize red states from blue states. Most of the Federal government money going to states fits in three categories.

Military spending... low cost states are cheaper to house and train troops, so are you suggesting that we move our bases to high-cost states and spend more on the military just to keep the money in expensive cost of living states.

Retirees... the biggest chunk of Federal spending follows retirees who seek low cost of living states to make their retirement savings and benefits go further... thus social security, Medicare, veterans, and government workers disproportionately retire to places they can afford to live. What is your proposal for this group?

The third category is poverty programs. While California has the nation's highest cost of living poverty level in the country, many poverty programs are income based not cost of living based... so low cost of living states do benefit as their "poor" earn less than the poor of other states.

As for my fresh fruit and vegetable, they are not picked by immigrants. I know the farmers at my local farmers market, and I am a big supporter of local family farms willing to pay more if the money goes to the farmers. Unlike "cash" crops that get picked all at once, these farmers pick weekly what they will sell that week. However, if fairness, there are times when things are out of season, at which point they are still not "picked by immigrants" but grown in Mexico or Chile.

But if your point is that there are many illegal immigrants picking crops, that is true. My Princeton educated nephew worked alongside them for two years picking strawberries up and down the west coast. These "pickers" follow an almost "migratory" pattern starting in California and ending in Washington state. A great movie on "Pickers" if you have not seen it is McFarland.

I am not against immigrants, but I don't illegal immigration is the answer. I support expanded legal immigration and guest worker permits. Many "pickers" would love "guest worker" permits over illegal immigration, since as is, they can't see their families for years.

Finally, if you have not tried deep fried okra or Jalapeno peppers, you don't know what you are missing! Throw in some deep-fried summer squash with some deep-fried southern chicken and it is like you died and went to heaven (of course, if you eat to much deep fried food, that is exactly what might happen).

But generally speaking, I eat healthy food grown locally by our small farmers using organic fertilizers (which put me in the hospital once with E coli, but that is one of the risks of organic food).

But all this is off topic. Whether you oppose illegal immigration or support it, there is still the fundamental problem of what to do when the number of people crossing our southern border exceeds the capacity of those border states to provide jobs, housing, health care, education and other services. The answer lies in transporting them around the country and thus spreading the cost and in some instances the benefits of these immigrants to all states and cities. I include benefits, since in some parts of the country they have severe shortage of low wage workers and so adding immigrants legal or illegal can address that problem, but along the southern border that is not the case and so young men join cartels and young girls get forced into prostitution. Don't let your ideology interfere with practical solutions.



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