Technically, "Woke" is Neo Marxism. Rather than divide the world into economic classes like Marx did where the rich were deemed oppressors and the poor oppressed... wokeism expands that concept to Identity groups. Conformity is important, since "power" is accrued at the group level. Society becomes a mix of competing groups. It inherently leads to violence.
It offers little in the way of individual situation... so a poor white child growing up in Appalachia is deemed as "privileged" for their skin color while Obama's children are "oppressed" by virtue of their skin color.
Originally, the word "woke" was coined by African American historians writing in the 50s to describe the impact of racism on the lives of African Americans by whites who were deemed oppressors. Malcom X epitomized this ideology with his beliefs that only by banding together could African Americans achieve equality by "any means necessary" including violence. But in time wokeism was expanded and began to see the whole world through the lens of identity group affiliation.
So Jews who had been subjected to having over 6 million of their group exterminated went from oppressed to oppressor as a result of their success. And a Jew attending a school in New York is guilty of whatever actions a Jew commits in a war against Palestinians.
The real challenge for America is not to be woke, but rather to move through the three stages of integration. The first state is tolerance. The problem with wokeism or any form of identity group is the tendency to dehumanize others outside the group and force conformity on those inside the group. Settlers referred to Native Americans as "savages", since that justified killing them as they were not "human".
Tolerance can't thrive in a world that demands group conformity, it can only thrive in a world that accepts individual differences. If you believe in human rights, you can't be "woke". Because human rights demand each individual have the right to pursue happiness up to the point it infringes on the human rights of others, then collectively we as a society design a judicial system to determine how to best settle human right conflicts.
The second stage is "social integration". Social integration occurs when people begin to judge one another based on their character. This is MLK's vision of America, but it did not go far enough. The last stage is biological integration. Social integration will inevitably lead to some people marrying out of their racial, religious, cultural, ethnic groups to become just plain individual Americans. And so, by the third stage, the "melting pot" is producing Americans that do not identify as members of this group or that group, but simply as Americans.