Stop this dribble… Trump’s first instinct is to promote what he believes Americans want… good jobs, growing wages, an expanding economy, low taxes, and fair trade deals.
Trump is not a racist, he is a tribalist. And the tribe he constantly promotes is “Americans”. My ethnically Asian wife, me, my ethnically African daughter-in-law, my mixed race children, and my multi racial grandchildren including one who is African Hispanic American all share one thing in common… we are Americans. We are “one tribe”, not a bunch of identity groups that politicians try to manipulate in order to give themselves power. We resent those that try and divide us based on color, religion, culture, gender, sexual preference, or any other basis.
We are not dumb, if we see racism then we will act on our own. For more than 20 years we have seen the term “racism” used as political “bait” to divide us. We know racism when we see it, thank you. If you think you need to point it out, then you are the racist using race to divide.
My family consists of first, second, and third generation immigrants of various skin colors. Each of us got here from somewhere else… but once we swore allegiance to this country we became Americans first and foremost. We are not and we reject anyone trying to pigeonhole us into some “category” or identity group. All we want are the civil rights promised us by the Constitution, the right to pursue happiness, and the right to elect leaders that see us first and foremost as Americans.
Everyone in my family has or will have another thing in common someday. We have or will have the right to vote. We will get to elect representatives from our state and a President over the nation. We expect those representatives to be smart enough to work compromises that can be challenging in such a diverse population. We do not expect them to try to figure out how to form a majority so they can coerce a minority into things without consideration of what they think. The tyranny of the majority can be just as evil as the rule of an autocrat. We want hard fought compromises. And trying to control thought by promoting political correctness is wrong.
And any party that thinks they are in charge of determining the President through bureaucratic maneuvering including impeachment better be prepared to face the wrath of the American people at the ballot box. We get to decide whose President and unless there is an overwhelming bipartisan consensus that the serving President cannot continue in his job, politicians better not mess with him or her. Those partisans that think otherwise should beware… we elect you and we can unelect you.
Constitutionally, it takes a two thirds of the Senate to remove a President, but if anyone in the Senate hangs their future on that, they will be toast. It takes an overwhelming bipartisan consensus by the American people that a sitting American President should be removed from office before impeachment is appropriate. The Senate is there to express the will of the people and not the consensus of their party. Elected politicians who promise they represent their districts and ignore the minority opinions of those living in their districts, have failed their constituents.
I am getting very angry at Democrats, they are triggering a Constitution crisis by trying to force government “their way” at every turn. Proposing changes to the Constitution to disenfranchise those living in smaller states, changing the composition of the Supreme Court to suit their politics, removing a President that they fear they cannot beat at the ballot box, the list goes on. I voted for Trump because he was a “deal maker”. I hope Democrats would get over their disappointment and realize America elected Trump because they were unhappy with what the Democrats were offering and wanted something more politically centrist and frankly less globalist. They wanted an American first President.
I implore all Americans to contact their representatives to stop playing silly games and pass bipartisan legislation… Tell them not to waste our time talking about the legislation they passed that has no bipartisan support all that does is affirm they are wasting our time.
Let American voters worry about who occupies the Oval Office for the next four years at the ballot box next November. Any political representative that does trust Americans to do their job or you can’t accept their choices, then it is time for them to do some real soul searching and step down from office…