Sorry to hear you got Covid.
For your readers, if they are at high risk, they should get vaccinated. But here is the takeaway message, getting vaccinated or wearing a mask does not prevent someone contracting Covid. Even having had Covid does not prevent you from contracting again. With that in mind, most people should focus on preparing themselves to get Covid (if you don't great, but most people will contract it).
Preparing to contract Covid means doing what you can strengthen your innate immune system (this is your body's ability to respond to any virus) versus your acquired immunity system (this is the specific antibodies and B and T cells your body develops to respond to a specific virus and what people who have had Covid or been vaccinated have). Because the virus is constantly mutating, acquired immunity is helpful but innate immunity is equally important.
Some simple things to boost your innate immunity system. Exercise, eat right, get enough sleep, and make sure you "top off" your Vitamin C, D, and zinc levels by eating foods rich in these things or taking a supplement. This is not quack science, but sadly the CDC is not promoting it enough... People living in cold climates especially minorities are frequently vitamin D deficient and that increases Covid severity dramatically. The objective is to make sure you have enough of C, D, and zinc... don't overdose on the stuff. More is only better, if you don't have enough.
Sorry, for the minor deflection and I hope you recover quickly. Make sure you keep up your vitamin D since it depletes quickly when you are sick.
Regarding Trump's plans to change the outcome of PA, if he could not do so when he was President, he is unlikely to do so this election.
Vote Harvesting
I think the real issue with the minority vote in urban areas is that poor African American voters have historically been targets of vote harvesting by the Democratic campaign workers. This is not new; it goes back over a century and is exemplified by Mayor Daley asking Kennedy how many votes he needed out of Chicago to win Illinois.
Everywhere I lived for as long as I lived this has been a problem... at the lowest level, it involved driving around with a bus and giving people coffee and donuts and taking them to vote at the polls to more flagrant stuff. The advent of mailing out ballots makes vote harvesting easier.
In California, we gave up trying to stop it. Like drugs if it can't beat it, legalize it. But vote harvesting as serious ethical issues associated with it.
Regarding the African American vote itself, your logic is bit flawed. More African Americans voted for Trump than any other Republican in decades. So, it was not that African Americans disliked Trump more than they did in 2016 or Republicans in general... but whether the higher turnout was a product of people exercising their right to vote or coercion from vote harvesting. If it was the former, then that is a good thing. If it was the latter, then that is a bad thing.
If vote harvesting is bad, then let's agree on how we should prevent it. If vote harvesting is not bad, then let's make it legal and watch the fur fly. But let's not pretend it does not happen.