Michael F Schundler
3 min readSep 1, 2024


Sorry but you are wrong again on two counts. First and audit uncovered over 6000 uncounted ballots mostly in Trump's favor.

There is no evidence any of these uncounted ballots were the result of fraud only human error.

Second, it is common for candidates to ask for a recount. The most you can infer from Trump's phone call is Trump wanted the Secretary of State to find enough uncounted ballots for him to win. In other words, rather than conduct a full-blown audit focus his efforts where the highest probability of uncounted ballots would favor Trump.

This reminds of 2000 when I lived in Florida, when Democrats asked that only ballots in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach County be checked, because any found ballots were likely to favor Gore in the close election.

The state denied that request and ordered a full recount. Do you think Gore should have gone to jail for that?

It seems silly to think Trump would ask someone

like Brad Raffensperger to risk a long prison sentence manufacturing votes which would certainly be discovered. But it is interesting that the media has convinced you that Trump was asking for that.

Trump's polling told him he would win. So, when he did not win, he presumed there was a mistake and wanted the mistake fixed. In reality, the various polls, he was relying on failed to account for the impact of mail in ballots. There were almost 900K more votes in 2020 vs 2016.

I live in California now and the same thing happened when California first implemented universal mail in voting. Democrats were better prepared and their "ground game" caused them to win several districts, that they lost again two years later when Republicans emulated their tactics.

However, when you said there were no more votes to be counted you are wrong. A subsequent audit found over 6000 uncounted votes in just 4 counties.

While these "found" ballots overwhelmingly favored Trump there were simply not enough to change the outcome.

This included 2,600 votes in Floyd County, most of which favored Trump. The state election officials said the failure was human error.

Another 3,039 uncounted ballots were found in 2 other countries including 2755 in Fayette County and 284 if Walton County. Another 300 uncounted ballots were found in Dekalb County.

Biden won by over 12,000 votes, but the fact that they found over 6000 votes disproportionately for Trump argues Trump was right to ask them to find more ballots.

There are a host of other issues with the 2020, that might have influenced some of the closer elections including relaxed parameters used to check signatures on ballots given the volume that had to be processed. Nothing to date, suggests the Georgia election was "stolen" from Trump, but it would be wrong not to admit that a variety of events that have been identified as human error, unprecedented voting numbers, and historically low rejection rates of mail in ballots for someone who lost a close election would cause someone to be suspect.

Again, you don't know what Trump was thinking and I don't either. But my point in bringing this up is to show how you think you know what Trump was thinking and you think you know why Walz resigned from the military when he did. But you don't know, and I don't know.

Again, one can say Trump should have anticipated that a large protest in Washington could trigger a riot. And there is some evidence that Trump considered it a possibility and offered National Guard troops to prevent such an act. Apparently, it has become clear, that Nancy Pelosi was aware of Trump's offer to have National Guard troops on hand in case the protest got out of hand, but declined the offer, because the House sergeant-at-arms declined the offer.

Anytime you call for a protest in Washington DC you risk a riot. But that is different, than arguing Trump wanted a riot. The FBI investigation shows there was zero communication between the instigators of the riot and Trump. So, call it bad judgement by Trump and the sergeant of arms at the Capital and whoever the sergeant at arms reports to for failing to take precautions. But the whole insurrection nonsense is a bit silly.

Per PolitiFact:

"News reports indicate that in the days before the attack, House sergeant-at-arms Paul Irving resisted calls from the Capitol Police to bring in the National Guard for extra security at the Capitol because of "optics." Irving later testified that intelligence reports didn’t show the need for the extra security, not that he rejected it because of optics."



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