Michael F Schundler
2 min readApr 12, 2024


Some useful data points...


The first slave owner in America may have been a black tobacco farmer named Johnson.

About 6% of southern whites and about 1.4% of white living in North America owned slaves.

While in absolute numbers, whites clearly were more likely to own slaves in relative numbers the opposite is true.

In 1830 there were 3,775 free Black people who owned 12,740 Black slaves. That is out of a total freed black population of 319,599 or 1.2% (this number compares against the 1.4% national number among whites, since it includes freed blacks living in state that had abolished slavery.

There were around 2,009,000 slaves in 1830.

In terms of numbers, Thomas J. Pressly’s analysis, using Carter G. Woodson’s statistics, showed that in 1830, about 1 percent of these Black slave owners owned between 20 and 84 slaves; around 4 percent owned between 10 to 19 slaves; and approximately 94 percent each owned between 1 and 9 slaves3.

None of these statistics are intended to justify slavery, but rather point out among freed black Americans slavery was as common as among white Americans, but clearly there were many more whites than freed blacks, so they owned most of the slaves.

The issue of slavery is far more complex and as I said it was an ideological struggle.

So, the question, becomes what ideology fosters characteristics that allow humans to enslave other humans, or commit genocide against other human, or take away their land, etc. Let's step away from blacks and whites and look at Jews and Arabs. Why did Hamas feel justified to kill innocent women and children? It appears some of women were taken as slaves by Palestinian civilians based on yesterday's report.

Why do the Jews feel justified killing innocent people to get at the enemies of Israel. Why did America feel justified at killing hundreds of thousands of Afghan citizens after 9/11? Why did the US feel justified to drop the bomb on civilians in Japan? Why do the Chinese feel justified killing Uighurs. What is the common thread?

Is there an underlying ideology that ties all these things together?



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