Society including women impose a "cost" on men's reproductive system. If a man impregnates a woman, he does not get "the choice" to have her abort the child and yet he will be responsible for that child until it is 21 years old. Which is as it should be. Sex comes with consequences and responsibilities.
Your comments regarding a vasectomy are silly unless you are proposing women get their tubes tied under a similar law. Don't be silly with a serious subject.
As for a bunch of statistics, you are entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is not the basis for laws in a democracy which recognizes human rights. Those laws are based on the consensus of what people believe is the right thing to do regarding the decision involving the rights of both the woman and the unborn baby. In the case of the poll, it was conducted by the Harvard Harris group, hard to argue what their political purpose is, but it is not to promote anti-abortion laws.
You seem not to care about the baby's rights. And once you ignore one group of people pretty soon others are equally marginalized.
How can you say I have no idea why women need abortions. I ran a women's health groups that delivered 1500-1800 babies a month and yes, we also had an abortion clinic and fertility clinic. I have heard every reason; you can possibly conceive and probably some you have not.
I have also seen the depression women experience from an abortion after it is too late and how even years later, they wonder how that child would be today.
And if you have read my various posts, you would know I support abortions for various reasons and even recognize that "elective abortions" are "right" in some instances. But I also recognize that the baby pays the ultimate price as a result of an abortion.
So, where pregnancy is the result of unprotected sex, don't wait... take the morning after pill. If the man you sleep with won't pony up for the morning after pill, then find someone else who is willing to be responsible. Abortions should never be a form of birth control.
If a woman somehow gets pregnant after practicing safe sex, then she should get the abortion immediately as soon as she realizes she is pregnant, while the poor baby is still in its embryonic stage and won't experience pain in the way fetus's do. If you get past 15 weeks, then it's time to hang in there and if you don't want the baby, give it a chance with another family desperate to adopt and willing to pay all the expenses of the pregnancy.
If you had a necessary abortion at 6 months due to fetal development issues or personal health issues, then it was medically necessary, we are not talking about those abortions, we are talking about elective abortions.
Finally, you don't know what women experience any more than I do... and you don't speak for women, you know what you experienced, and you speak for women who share your views, but there are plenty of women that don't.
Generalizing women and how they feel is bigoted. Women all have unique experiences, so please park the whole gender shaming nonsense. It is sickening... you know there are plenty of women who disagree you and so our discussion is not based on having a womb, but different values (and values are a function of what is in your brain).
I think we are done; you have made your point of view clear, and you have a right to a point of view, simply not the right to impose it on unborn babies. Decisions involving denying other humans their rights are decisions that are made collectively by society and only in deference to both parties.
Finally, as a male, I didn't get to choose to have a draft card, it was the law. Women had input on the decision of whether this nation had a draft, but it was my body they were deciding whether the government could use it to fight their wars. Societies make laws that impact genders differently, that just how it works.