So, you think the grandfather of five black grandchildren, who he loves very much is preaching White Supremacy. Why do you feel compelled to call someone a racist, just because you don't agree with them. Do you "own" the truth?
I married an amazing Asian woman, and we taught our children to judge character rather than skin color. Is that what you call white supremacy? We proved it by our choices and our success at teaching those values is expressed in our children's choices.
And as you might have figured out two of my children married Africans. Not mixed-race African Americans who they have far more in common with racially (nothing wrong with that), but skin color was not behind who they chose for spouses.
My son met his wife at church. My daughter met her husband while living in Italy.
You seem confused. You want to lash out with that "you are a racist" dribble. Yet in doing so, you make it perfectly clear, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Black history is valuable if it helps to unite us as an American people. But if it serves to promote separatism, then it will not serve African Americans like my grandchildren well. To many black leaders are following the path of Malcolm X, when MLK got it right. And that concerns me.
Take some time off and study real history. Separatism always produces conflict and frankly neither whites or blacks will be "winners" under that scenario.
On the other hand, teaching children to value others as individuals, not blacks or whites, produces the integration that I support. MLK saw the pathway out from oppression was integration. Read his writings.
If my grandchildren are going to have a chance, we must pursue MLK's dream starting with ending systemic racism in every form. But that is only the first step. Integration and separatism are opposite poles and societies move in one direction or the other.
Move towards separatism and bigotry will emerge as each identity group tries to dehumanize the others. On the footsteps of dehumanization will come systemic bigotry.
Alternatively, we can focus on becoming one people first by deconstructing identity politics built around race, religion, ethnicity, etc. and then constructing a new identity that all Americans can "own". That was the aspiration of the Founding Fathers of this country, and it is why we are among one of the most diverse societies on the planet. One of the reasons we struggle with bigotry is because we have so many identity groups competing with one another.
We are making progress towards integration, and various identity groups are pushing back.
Indications that this process is working can be measured in the greater social integration and eventual biological integration. Look at how often the media is portraying mixed race couples with mixed race children. I support this transition, which makes your white supremacy comment ludicrous.
With two generations of mixed-race children and grandchildren, I can tell you they don't come out white, or black, or Asian, or Hispanic. They come out one step closer to "American".
You should be ashamed for attacking calling someone racist, you don't know. Now stop it.