So, who do you think will determine "race" in the future? More than half my family is mixed race, usually two, but one is three. At what point will people simply identify as American?
I found a video not long ago on YouTube where an evolutionary sociologist argued that someday, American will mean the same as Hispanic. It won't tell you anything about their skin color or even ancestral heritage, instead it will tell you more about their language and culture. Americans will look more like Hispanics with more African and Asian genes blended into it, than most Hispanics have.
When my grandson asks me why I don't care about my German heritage, I tell him, I find it interesting, but not very important. I chose to marry a Chinese woman from Indonesia. I enjoy German food 3-4 times a year, to remind me of my mother's cooking, not because I prefer it. I like American music, and I celebrate American holidays not German holidays. I identify with George Washington and MLK more than with the past Kings of Germany. I do speak German only so I can talk to some of my cousins, but my children never learned German, Chinese, or Indonesian, though one is fluent in Spanish.
Culturally, my family have become "Americans" and in a few generations... our "genes" will catch up. But because race is a social construct, will we devise a whole new set of races? and how long will people keep trying to pigeonhole people into an "historical" race.