Michael F Schundler
4 min readNov 4, 2022


So, if the Democrats lose several close Senate elections and complain about the results, will that mean you will be endorsing Republicans in 2024? Personally, I would support Democrats challenging close elections, because that is what separates us from China and Russia, who also hold elections, but don't allow citizens to challenge the results.

If you are thinking inflation is not the key issue, then you are not among those voters that are tipping into poverty because of it. Those just above the poverty line pay more of their income towards food and energy and they are slipping into poverty. Gas sells for $3.05 in Texas and almost $6 in California, the difference is not because energy companies are gouging citizens, it is because our state government is. Nothing illustrates the problem more. Under Biden, government spending now represents half the economy... scary. The economy grew marginally in the 3rd quarter solely due to government spending more. Should we be growing by the citizens having more to spend?

As a conservative I condemn violence whether it was on January 6th, in response to Geroge Floyd's death, ANTIFA riots in Portland after Biden won or on college campuses when conservatives try to give speeches. Social scientists studying the issue lay the blame largely on Democratic mayors (not Biden or Trump) since law enforcement is local and the media which has shown selective sympathy to violence for the right cause. When will we start hearing Democrats condemn "righteous violence"? There is no such thing.

Abortion is about democracy. It is hard to say democracy is threatened and stand up and deny that elected representatives should determine what abortion law is. If we can get off the various political soap boxes over 72% of women want to limit elective abortions to the first 15 weeks, just over 50% want to limit abortions to the first 6 weeks, and 37% don't believe in elective abortions. While only 10% support aborting a viable healthy baby. Shockingly, progressive liberals' states like California and New York are proposing legislation that 90% of citizens reject. Equally shockingly, many conservative states are proposing legislation that only 37% of citizens support. Eventually, when all the politics settle, we will likely end up with a law similar to the one, Lindsay Graham proposed (15 weeks) and Democrats refused to consider because it would take an important election issue off the table for them. Sounds like power is more important than insuring women have abortion rights that over 72% of women support.

With respect to Ukraine, did you forget that Obama refused to send them military aid. Trump pushed and succeeded in arming Ukraine and preparing it for this war. I do think Biden had been good with respect to preserving Trump's pro Ukraine policy. And I think Republicans will continue to fund Ukraine... it is not one of the things Republicans will throw themselves on their swords for.

Climate Change is perhaps the greatest hoax being thrust on the American people. Not that climate isn't changing... it is. But that it is somehow it is such an existential threat that millions must die to prevent it. Read the book by Obama's climate czar, "Unsettled", I think you will find it informative. If the US achieves its goals after spending trillions of dollars the current projected climate for the year 2100, won't happen till 2105. Trillions of expenditures for a five-year impact. Honest scientific studies suggest that the current Green Energy policy causes more pain than good. We will transition to other energy sources in time but moving quickly will kill far more people from poverty globally than moving at a more modest rate. Humans live at the equator and the poles; we know how to adapt. We should have learned from Covid that radical stuff does not work. What we need is an all-energy policy that slowly displaces fossil fuels primarily with nuclear in the short term (10-20 years) and renewable over the long term (40-50 years).

Gun Violence is a serious issue primarily in Democratic controlled cities. Violence is determined by local factors, the 2nd Amendment is not going anywhere, the question is whether mayors have the guts and governors are willing to support them to suppress gun violence. The vast majority of non-suicide gun violence is drug and gang related and they are not giving up their guns because of some law... they certainly haven't done so in Mexico which has strict gun control laws, and the same gangs are gaining a foothold all over the US. Unless we address drugs related gang violence, nothing will happen. Sadly, people don't seem to get upset about those deaths.

Europe is beginning to suffer like we do, since many of those guns flooding into Ukraine are finding their way onto the black market in western Europe. Guns are not the problem, illegal guns are, and gun laws don't really stop them.

I think both parties have problems with the truth and anyone that does not believe that is deluding themselves.

Here is the real crib sheet.... if you are happy with how Democrats ran the country for the last two years vote Democrat. If you are not happy vote Republican. If you prefer divided government, vote Republican, Biden will still hold the White House. There the whole thing made simple. Divided government forces compromise and bipartisanship. I live in California where bipartisanship does not exist... we are an exaggeration of Biden's policies, and the future looks bleak.



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