So far I think Fox has done the best job covering the Joe Biden story… yes Fox, specifically Tucker Carlson.
Unlike the media who rushed to condemn or defend, Joe Biden, Tucker Carlson laid out the facts. He said he made no judgement, but as accusation fly, people should know what is known and not what is alleged.
He said based on everything out there on the matter there is no evidence to support Reade assertion that Biden sexually assaulted Reade. That does not make Biden innocent or guilty, it simply is the fact case. He made clear there are reasons to question Reade’s story especially when one looks at her potential political leanings, knocking Biden out of the race would open a path for her preferred candidate Bernie Sanders to get the nomination. So he suggested “motive” may play a role in Reade’s assertions.
But he also laid out that Biden has a history with numerous women, that he makes them feel uncomfortable by touching their hair and shoulders from behind without permission. The later is not really subject to debate, it is on video. (picture shown below for people that doubt that). It is wrong for him to do that… but it is not sexual assault. I would get upset if he did that with my daughters, but I would not be wanting him prosecuted.
So while Carlson believes Reade should have her claims examined, he believes absent any more evidence, it would fair to say Biden can be creepy, but is not a sexual predator based on the facts that are known. I have written on this subject before, that our laws still recognize people are innocent until proven guilty regardless of whether you are a Republican or a Democrat and its time the media and the country accept that as one of the most important principles of our law. Tragically, this hurts women in some cases that end up in a “he said, she said” case and are truly victims, but without this principle our system would be broken and we would be back to the days of the Salem Witch trials.
Now let’s look at Brett Kavanaugh. Ford could not remember the year, date, place or time of the assault. So can you imagine how hard it is to prove or disprove something with no supporting facts especially concerning an event. It rules out any way to disprove her allegations other than the testimony of the accused. Who can say they were with Brett Kavanaugh on every day all day long over two summers? The best witnesses can say… and they did, is they were unaware of any such event happening where the two were in the same place at the same time or even knew each other based on the circles they ran in.
The event is alleged to have occurred in high school more than 30 years ago. No witness could confirm Ford had confided to them at any time near when the event is alleged to have happened. Contrast that with Kavanaugh who provided a day be day diary of what he did. Certainly, if the event had occurred, someone would have been able to use the diary to find the two in the same place, somewhere, at the same time… even if it did not occur, at least someone should have been able to show using the diary how it might have occurred. Some witness might have recalled the two at the same party.
Now its been a long time since the hearings, the DNC has had time to try to determine when it might have happened. The Democrats if they were convinced it happened, could have hired the best detectives in the world to show it might have happened and used it to impeach Kavanaugh. Nothing. Why are they not “investing” in proving the story even as they were so focused at getting the FBI to investigate it. Why have they “given” up? At what point is Kavanaugh’s name cleared?
Kavanuagh’s biggest supporters were the women that worked for him during his career, that says a lot. So do you believe the women, who know Kavanaugh and have worked with him for years or the woman whose memory has so many missing facts. Again, Ford may have been assaulted, but the facts simply don’t lead to Kavanaugh other than her testimony…
So where do we stand.
Biden may have some creepy behaviors, that he should cease and desist forever including violating the space of women without their permission, but certainly neither Biden or Kavanaugh deserve the label of sexual predator based on the information to date.
So every American should defend the “me to” movement and insure that women are treated equally as men. There allegations looked into and examined rather than dismissed out of hand. But in the interest of equal civil rights, the man has the same rights as the woman… the same right to mount a defense of innocence and to be found innocent absent corroborating evidence. Without such a system, the harm would far exceed the good.
We should all be disturbed at the willingness of the media to try to destroy a person’s whole career and his standing in the eyes of his friends, family, and children to achieve a political goal… whether it be attacks against Biden or Kavanaugh. Women deserve their day in court… but so do men… and no one deserves to be “tried” and “found guilty” by the media without being accorded due process.