Seriously, Hillary Clinton is still giving the 50 reasons why the 2016 election was stolen from her. So are you claiming she is delusional? Have you suggested she see someone about that?
The idea that Trump was inciting an insurrection is pure nonsense. No power can overthrow the US government without the help of the military. If the US government ever falls, it will be engineered from within through a bureaucratic process not a few hundred people mostly unarmed marching on the Capitol.
And yes, go back and read the heading on thread… this thread is about whether ex Presidents should involve themselves in politics. Not whether you like Obama and Clinton and dislike Trump.
Obama did more than “shore” up the “black” vote, which is quite a racist thing to say… you don’t think Obama influenced other voters? Or that Obama has done nothing politically over the last four years, than “shore up the black vote”?