Sadly, the problem of adoptive parents abusing children is not new and not automatically racist. At the bottom of this response are two examples of similar behaviors of couples abusing children in a similar of the same race.
Do you think these couples thought the purpose of "white children" was slavery?
It should be easy to find out if racism was a factor and if it was it will likely and should produce additional charges.
I do not condemn Obama and his administration for building the "cages" and initiating the practice of separating children and parents until they could verify the relationship, there were good reasons for why Obama did it and Trump continued the practice.
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The reference to “cages” in the context of migrant detention facilities is a matter that has been persistently distorted. While it is true that the Trump administration used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border, these facilities were chain-link enclosures inside border processing centers where migrants were temporarily housed, separated by sex and age. The image of overcrowded detention facilities that circulated in 2019 was not from the Obama years but rather during the Trump administration. It’s essential to recognize that the issue is more complex than a simple attribution to any one administration.
Both Obama and Trump determined that it was important to separate the children from their parents... some of the reasons are noted below in this release...
Links to other adoptive parents forcing children to work like slaves,County%20Common%20Pleas%20Court%20after%20being%20indicted%20Tuesday.
I encourage you to do more research into these issues. I have learned a lot from my daughter who actively raises money every year for groups that help the victims of child sex trafficking going on at the border. My church is also involved with a group that helps rescued girls rebuild their lives.
One of the problems with Biden's immigration policy is it has created a surge in children in need of foster or adoptive parents for reasons you can read about in the article above. This shortage not only impacts immigrant children but also American children.
Biden's border policies are not human, at some level they are very cruel especially to children.