Regardless of Party Vote Republican For Senate Unless…
Back when Democrats controlled the Senate, Harry Reid changed the rules to allow a simple majority to confirm Federal judges. Fast forward and now the effect of that short sighted decision can be seen in how quickly the courts can become incredibly partisan. But do Americans want a “partisan” court, when we observe that in other countries we call them “Kangaroo Courts?.
The previous 60 vote requirement tied to the filibuster forced a level of compromise with judges that ensured that judges were not to partisan. The simple majority requirement has totally destroyed that important control designed to keep the country from swinging wildly from left to right or right to left and in fact the courts have begun to do so. Thank you Harry Reid.
Now rather than fix that problem, by reinstituting the 60 vote requirement, Democrats are proposing to make things worse. These proposals include whenever a party establishes control of the House and Senate, it could increase or decrease the size of the Supreme Court in order to gain control over the court’s “politics”. Other proposals include allowing a simply majority for passing any and all legislation, eliminating any need by the dominant party to compromise (that should insure the party out of power has zero representation in government… nice huh).
Historically, this is called tyranny by the majority over the minority. Ask yourself is this okay if it is done by one race to another and if not, what makes it okay if it done by one party to another. We are a country built on minority rights and for most of our history our movement has been to expand rights to minorities… now for some reason, progressive Democrats do not think that applies to people of other parties. Such abuse of power is wrong.
What the Democrats have learned being the party out of power is how badly they want to be the party in power, rather than how important it is to build into our legal and legislative process the need to “compromise”. Instead parties play “hardball” in the press designed hopefully to gather enough political support to eliminate the need to compromise.
That is a serious problem for our country and every citizen should be concerned over this “abuse of power”. In effect, the Democrats are pushing to change this country from the kind of government built around three equal but separate branches of government with underlying checks and balances in the procedures followed by the Senate (causing it to be labeled the most deliberative body in the world) to a government more closely resembling a Parliamentarian style of government where a single party runs roughshod until the people get so disgusted the party is tossed out of power and the other party does the same thing.
At some point a party in power tires of the whipsaw action and simply takes steps to secure power indefinitely. Happens all the time in history, who says it can’t happen here?
It is a disgrace that our representatives have become so craven that they do not even pay lip service to the fact that for most of them their “constituents” are comprised of people of both parties and in most cases only a minority of their constituents identify with their party (the majority in most cases are comprised of people who identify as “independent” or the other party). Do these constituents really want a government where compromise is not necessary?
So until Democrats re-embrace the importance of the 60 vote rule, everyone Republican, Independent, and Democrat should vote to keep the Democrats from control of the Senate. It is simply to great a danger to the stability that has marked this country over most of its history. Sometimes government process is more important than policy… the process if it requires “compromise” insures a country remains “centered” and the public feel that somewhere in the mess and confusion of government their interests are not ignored even if they don’t always prevail.
So if you are Democrat vote Democrat if you want… except for Senate… vote for anyone but the Democrat until the Democrat party abandons the idea of a simple majority ruling the legislative process in the Senate. Then write the DNC and ask them to abandon this position. Nothing protects you more than the rights granted to the minority… how absurd is it in a country wrestling with equal treatment of minorities that politically it is searching for a way to avoid compromising with the “minority” party?