Michael F Schundler
3 min readJan 21, 2021


Racism and systemic racism are very different. Racism exists among all racial groups. People are tribal and skin color is used as a means of identification .

Systemic racism is the use of race to leverage advantage at the societal level. The most prevalent form of systemic racism in America today is expressed through identity politics.

Identity politics at all levels is about aligning with people of your race, gender, etc. to gain advantages over other groups. Think Joe Biden's comment if you don't vote for me, you ain't Black. Seriously?

Is anyone surprised that Joe Biden is now carving up his cabinet to insure every racial group has institutional power in his cabinet. So I guess that meets your definition of reverse racism. Now frankly, if his selections were simply based on talent not skin color, then the first words out of his mouth would not be "the first Native American, or the first African American woman, or the first... ". It would a long list of the accomplishments of the individual whose resume would explain why they were chosen.

I am becoming increasingly concerned that the Democratic party is following the Malcolm X model of society versus the MLK model of society.

MLK's famous speech where people were judged by the content of the character and not the color of their skin is something I embrace (at the personal level, my wife is Asian and five out of six grandchildren are African American because in our family we choose are "mates" based on the content of their character and not the color of their skin).

Malcolm X saw a society built around racial and cultural identity groups that achieved equal power by whatever means necessary including violence. This inherent "racist" model of society had different identity groups constantly battling for political and economic power. Does this sound familiar? The Nation of Islam reflects many of these concepts within its identity group.

The Malcolm X model scares me. It affirms violence and competition by racial groups. In asserting the right of African Americans to use violence to achieve power, it affirms the rights of other racial groups to do likewise... including whites. I condemn violence by any group and I reject race as the basis for identification.

On the bright biracial children are on the forefront of the "New Americans". When I was young there was no such thing as "white people". They were Italians, Germans, Brits, French, Spanish, Russian... no one talked in terms of whites... Then they began to intermarry and before you knew it, they were white... 25% Russian, 15% Irish, 18% German, 14% Dutch, and the balance Norse. It got so confusing companies sprung up doing DNA tests to help people figure out where they are from. My favorite commercial is the one where the guy trades in his German lederhosen for a Scottish tartan because he discovers he is Scottish not German.

So my Hispanic African American granddaughter is part African, Spanish, Irish, German, British, Barbadian, and maybe some other blends. But what she really is... is 100% American...

Racism is not made to benefit white people... racism is made to benefit whichever identity group has power... one final thought, when I asked my wife to marry me thirty years ago... her parents were concerned because of my skin color and the respect they would lose because she was marrying a white man... yes, racism exists among all races...



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