Quantum physics has been described as the place where science meets God. Regardless of theory, including the theory of "nothing", science ends up recognizing the limits of the laws governing the universe to explain its creation and the need for some supernatural force to exist.
I have always said, science proves the existence of "God" (or more accurately a "supernatural" force. Religion attempts to "reveal" God's intended relationship with "creation".
Historically, most atheists were far more "honest", they did not say God did not exist, they simply argued they rejected all attempts by religion to define God. I say "honest", because no amount of logic or science can establish that God (in the form of a supernatural force) does not exist. Instead, as noted, science points to the existence of a supernatural force.
Perhaps the famous "atheist" in history was the disciple, Thomas. Until he could touch the "risen" Jesus, he would trust no one else. My guess is most atheists today would change their belief, if they to experienced "touching" God.
Throughout history people have written down these encounters with this supernatural force and different religions have incorporated them into their "beliefs".
"Faith" comes into the picture, when someone who has not had such an encounter, chooses to believe what someone else is telling them about their encounters with "God".
As humans, we take on "faith" many things we have not personally experienced. And we reject many things we have not personally experienced. There are still people on earth who reject that the earth is round, or humans landed on the moon. They simply don't have the "faith" to trust others including astronauts that say they walked on the moon or saw the earth from space.
My conclusion is atheists don't want to believe in God even if science points to one. They choose to deny the experiences of those that claim they have had an encounter with God over the centuries. Agnostics are like the "past atheists". They do not deny the existence of God; they simply reject any revelation regarding who or what God is. People of faith either feel they have had a direct experience with God or trust that others have provided an accurate detailing of their experience.
I am convinced by science of God's existence. In my case, I choose to trust the Bible as God's revelation to man, that is the "faith" part of my beliefs.