Progressive liberals have been strong advocates of not jailing people who are not a threat to injure others. These days even those Americans who are a threat are released from prison early. So, it is strange that they would advocate imprisoning Trump for "process crimes".
Specific to Trump, the Democratic assault on the Supreme Court over the last four years have undermined the American people trust in the justice system.
In other words, absent Trump being Trump, progressive liberals would ignore him. But Trump being Trump, has resulted in Americans appointing themselves as judge and jury in his various cases and making their own determination over whether what he is alleged to have done is really a crime.
Democrats have perfected the art of taking "process" crimes and turning them into something far more than they really are. For example, is exaggerating your net worth on a bank loan where the bank was fully paid off and claimed it did not rely on the estimates really a crime worthy of an almost $500 million fine. If a regular American overestimated the market value of their assets on home loan application, what fine would Americans believe is appropriate? Biden may have found a way to balance the budget by seeking the DOJ on every American who overestimates the value of their assets or income.
When Adam Schiff claimed his primary residence was in Maryland on a Federal home loan application and then claimed his primary residence was in California when running for Senate, in one of the two cases, he lied. Does his process crime justify "prison"? I think many Americans are sick of this abuse of the justice system. No doubt the wealthy have better lawyers, but the problems with our justice system are far deeper... starting with DAs running on platforms to target political opponents.
Before Americans trust the justice system to be fair, it has to start acting fairly. It needs to root out bias from the judicial benches of America and DA offices.
To Trump's credit his First Step Act in his first term was perhaps the biggest step toward correcting the sentencing discrimination that arose out of Biden's 1990's crime bill and sent a generation of black men to prison.
My favorite example of hypocrisy is politic hacks going after Trump for paying hush money, while Congress has a special fund that pays hush money.