Michael F Schundler
2 min readDec 10, 2023


Progressive liberal racism and bigotry is endemic to its ideology. Marxism divides the world into the oppressed groups of the world and the oppressor groups of the world. It then uses convoluted logic to justify violence against oppressor groups as "just" and legitimate acts of self-defense by defined oppressor groups as evil.

As far as progressive liberalism is concerned, it does not matter what Jews identify as racially, they are Jews and have been labeled as belonging to the oppressor class. No logic including past pogroms and genocide or the present high levels of hate crimes against Jews or even the attacks on October 7 will be seen as evil and disgusting. Instead, Marxist ideology will see them as legitimate actions taken against oppressors.

While young people are romanced with the idea of a utopian society, Progressive Liberalism serves as a funneling of power to an elite group of leaders relying on the "oppressed" groups to trust them to help them deal with their perceived victim status.

This farce of an ideology attempts to displace classical liberalism with its emphasis on individual freedom and rights with a collective concept of "for the greater good" as determined by an elite group of people promising that they will create the utopian world.

Russia, North Korea, Cuba, China, and Venezuela stand as testaments regarding how this ideology ends. The "big" lie in Marxism is that once the elite have managed to eliminate first the "oppressor" groups and then to purge their ranks of any opposition, is that they will step aside and give up the power they were entrusted with.

Turning on the Jews suggests the global progressive liberal movement is now comfortable purging its ranks of groups whose values and beliefs won't allow them to conform. Jews inherent religious beliefs are problematic to modern progressive liberalism and Marxism, this was always going to happen. In America, Evangelicals have been under attack quite a while, and recently Catholics have come under surveillance. The idea that Jews would be next, should come as no surprise.

Meanwhile, for those who are Muslim, look at China to see your future. Religion provides for a "higher authority" and so in the end it must be purged under Marxism. Time for those who believe in individual rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to stand up against this poison and it starts in educating children in our schools and universities on the social contract spelled out clearly in the writings of the classical liberals of the past and captured in the Declaration of Indpendence, Constitution, and later in the speeches of Lincoln and MLK.



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