Politicians and Half Truths
Every time the government passes legislation that provides funding to some group often those in need and other times their supporters, they fail to mention “the other half of the story”, where is all this largesse coming from.
For example, let say I walk up to you put a gun in your face take your wallet and give all the money to a poor guy on the corner. I then go out and tell everyone how I helped a poor guy on the corner. Is that the whole story? How about the part where I put a gun in your face? Understand the government has even more coercive power than a guy running around with a gun and whenever they put money into someone’s pocket, they do so by taking it out of someone else’s pocket.
How is government different than the marketplace?
While we use money as a “medium” to facilitate the exchange of goods and services, the way the marketplace works is very much like this. Imagine you are a carpenter and I am a farmer. You want some of the food I grow and I want a new desk for my home. We figure out a fair deal and I hand over food to you and you build a desk for me. You are not “poorer” because you gave me food that you grew and I am not poorer because I gave you the desk I built… instead we simply “traded” goods.
Now compare how government works. The give someone an entitlement. But did they get anything in return and where did the entitlement come from? If all we every hear is how they helped someone in need, they sound like pretty good people… but if we hear where they got the money from, it might not sound so generous.
I am tired of hearing how much good politicians are doing giving away someone else’s money. Helping those that are mentally or physically unable to support themselves is something I believe in… and the government should praise hard working Americans for doing that rather than take the credit. Helping bridge those who find themselves in bad place temporarily is something I think we should thank taxpayers for doing.
Funny the only time I hear taxpayers mentioned is when politicians object to government spending, like when they complained how taxpayers bailed out the banks in the Great Recession, but when it comes to giving help to the poor, not a peep about hard working taxpayers… it is all about how generous the politicians are…
Americans should be proud of themselves as a country. While it is “woke” to talk about our flaws… we are the most generous people in the world when measured by how much absolute money goes to those in need. Time to be proud of who we are and not let those who traffic in “shaming us” convince us otherwise. Like any living organism we can learn and grow, but having some “woke” person tell me what is wrong with this country especially some college professor who lives in an ivory tower or a politician that derives their income the way a tick on a dog “earns” its livelihood” is something I am getting a bit tired of.
Sometimes you have to vent… this is one of those times…