Please don't call radicals "conservatives". They are nut jobs in a class of their own, whether they hold extreme left-wing or right-wing views.
Any group that advocates violence to achieve its political goals in my book is dangerous and needs to be addressed by our law enforcement. They are not conservative or for that matter liberal, they are crazy.
As a conservative, I believe the rioters on January 6th as well as those that initiated riots throughout 2020 should spend some time thinking about their actions in a "cell" somewhere. I am curious when people call extremists groups "conservative", what makes those groups "conservative". Troublesome to me is when people defend the violence of left-wing groups as necessary for change.
There are plenty of groups with a wide range of ideologies that embrace violence. I condemn them all.
Part 2: The Grid
But these attacks do highlight the problem with today's green energy policies being pushed by Biden and it is great that you raised the issue.
My state's governor, Newsom, is equally oblivious to the problem of building our nation's energy policy around "the grid". What qualifications do politicians have when it comes to designing a national energy policy that makes sense?
Whether terrorists, hackers, enemies of the state, or Mother Nature, the grid is vulnerable, and it is crazy for our society to over rely on it.
We need a rational energy policy in this country where we use an array of energy sources and distribution systems to produce and delivery energy in this country.
One of those key sources of energy is carbon fuel. For now, carbon fuel is mostly "fossil fuel", but it doesn't have to be. We have the technologies to 'manufacture" carbon fuel. Carbon fuel is independent of the grid and is the "cleanest" energy source on the planet. That is why "mother nature" built the whole ecosystem around carbon fuel.
The byproducts of burning carbon fuel, CO2 and water are both products that are natural and normally recycled by nature. Today we are simply burning carbon fuel faster than mother nature on her own can replace it... and that is leading to a surplus of CO2 accumulating in the atmosphere. The answer is not to become totally dependent on the grid or abandon carbon fuel, the answer is to accelerate carbon fuel manufacturing using artificial photosynthesis, algae farms, and a host of other technologies that use sunlight just like mother nature and catalysts just like mother nature to convert water and CO2 into carbon fuel.
Your belief that we can "muddle" through these attacks on the grid are misplaced. The attacks you describe are the kind we can muddle through, but the day may come when we cannot especially if we become more dependent and the attack on the grid is more sophisticated.
As an aside, this is not a response that rejects solar energy. I run my house and cars on solar and because I am so dependent on electricity, I am installing enough "battery capacity" so that in the even the grid is taken out by some right- wing or left-wing nut job, I will be inconvenienced, but not seriously compromised.
I had hoped to avoid the added cost of batteries, but the greater threat to the grid is not some terrorist, it is our state government. My state's policies are so aggressive stance against fossil fuels and so over reliant on electricity being produced out of state, that it is leading to increased brown outs in the state. And at times it feels like a third world country.
My solar panels produce enough power to run my home, but the batteries will store enough of that power to run my house during the evening (I will have to go... cold (pardon the pun) turkey if worse comes to worse by around midnight till the next morning when the sun rises if the grid goes down).
Bottom line, each person needs to assess their vulnerability should the grid go down. Until our government adopts a more rational energy policy, each individual needs to have one of their own. Don't have solar, live in cold cloudy place, it may be time for you to install your own propane natural gas or oil electricity generator and a tank capable of powering your home for a few days.