People that are "anti-Trump" try to villainize him rather than understand him. Black voters are intelligent voters, but they are different. They are less inclined to vote on moral character or ideology and more focused on those policies that will directly impact their families. Trump gets this and tries to insert policies that are popular with African Americans into his platform without embracing polices that would turn off other constituencies.
When my brother ran and won as a Republican in a city that is over 75% Democrat, he won because he won the black vote. When asked what his secret was, he said, black voters vote for the stuff that is important to them, more than most voters they are very practical.
My brother campaigned on safe schools, less crime, more jobs, better wages. Blacks want a fair justice system, the vast majority oppose cutting police funding, but oppose racial profiling.
Let's compare my brother's platform in 90s with Trump's. My brother supported school choice; Trump supports school choice. My brother went so far as to start a charter school after leaving office where 100% of the seniors graduated, and 94% got accepted into college even though 75% came from mostly black families living below the poverty line. Biden opposes school choice. 60% of black single moms prefer a candidate that supports school choice.
Trump's recent position on abortion, allowing states to decide attempts to thread the needle between pro-choice and pro-life groups by insuring abortion options are available in states rather than impose a federal standard, which is likely to be more restrictive. Blacks are very split on this issue and Trump's position is about as far left as he dares to tread. Biden is on the far left on this issue and that won't sell among blacks as a whole, who are more conservative than whites. My brother dodged the issue, said he generally opposed abortions, but you don't elect a mayor to determine abortion law, that was above his pay grade.
On crime, Trump passed criminal reform reversing many of the provisions of Biden's Crime Bill from the early 90s that sent young black men to prison for minor offences. Another win for Trump. But Trump supports funding police to reduce crime. Trump's position is shared by 80% of blacks. Biden has been more wishy washy on this issue trying not to alienate those that support defunding the police. My brother resurrected the "cop on the corner' strategy and crime overall dropped 15%.
Trump promotes tough immigration policies and tax policies to create job opportunities. Blacks benefited from this. My brother supported tax enterprise zones in some of the hardest hit parts of his city to encourage employers to set up businesses and create jobs for the community. His city saw more job growth than any other major city in New Jersey. Biden border policies hurt black families. They know it... regardless of how one feels about immigration, studies show blacks disproportionately suffer from the negative effects of Biden's policies. They suffer three ways. Competition for jobs, competition for housing, and competition for social services.
Whether you think Trump is manipulating blacks by endorsing policies to get their vote or you think he really cares... does not matter. What matters is his policies help blacks more than Biden's. And as my brother noted, blacks are smarter voters... by "smarter", I mean they are less wed to "party" and more wed to whether they think a politician will benefit them or not. They don't always get it right as many felt let down when Obama did less for the black community than they expected him to. But their focus is on outcomes and not on ideology.
Since 2016, Trump's support among Hispanics has soared and since Biden got into office and blacks contrasted his policies with Trumps, Trump support has grown from around 8-10% to nearly double that or more.
Finally, on the legal system, I think you will find if Trump is elected, he tries to make good on fixing some of the inequities of the system, whether he can, is in doubt. What is clear to most blacks and Trump is that "blind justice" does not exist in America. We need to take bias out of the courtroom at the judge level, the DA level, and the jury level, if we don't African Americans and Trump will suffer. Trump gets it now, Biden does not... the system is working fine for him and his son.