Michael F Schundler
3 min readMar 16, 2021


People of all races are assaulted because of the skin color including white people. Racism is not unique to white people and in fact, my wife's Asian parents were seriously upset when they found out she was dating a "white" guy... bad enough he wasn't Chinese... but he was white! It took awhile for my son's in laws to adjust to the idea that their African daughter was dating a white guy, but that to worked its way out.

Interestingly, a study of racist countries puts India in the top spot. America ranks very low on the "racist" scale because we were predisposed to be diverse. And while it has taken time to integrate the massive waves of diverse groups of people that have immigrated to our country, we have done far better than most countries.

"Unlike countries like the United States that are founded on the basic principle of cultural differences and a mixing pot, if you will, India is home to people originally from the country -- as opposed to having a population comprised of immigrants who moved to the country from elsewhere later on in their lives. This detail is a huge contributing factor as to why India has been named the most racist country over the years. Approximately 43.6% of all Indian people who took the survey said that they would not be comfortable with neighbors who were of different cultures, ethnicities, or races than themselves. "


Think about it before we even became a nation we made religious liberty a cornerstone of our value system embodied in our bill of rights. Over 200 years we have moved to expand civil rights to virtually every group in America... the most recent group being transsexuals and before that gay couples.

The really weird think about today's woke culture is its failure to recognize that the most effective force to combat racism is nationalism. Racism is an extreme form of tribalism where people associate with one another because of skin color. But in the US nationalism is based on our national values reflected in founding documents including those that declare "all men are created equal and have unalienable rights". There is no similar statement anywhere in the world.

The "woke" among us would have you believe the words "white" and "nationalism" belong in the same sentence. Nothing could be farther from the truth. White racism is the opposite of nationalism... it identifies as a "tribe" all white people... now contrast that to our national pledge of allegiance...

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America... and to the Republic for which it stands... one nation under God." We are one people. Time to promote "nationalism" to overcome this horrible form of tribalism being promoted by politicians to divide us along race, religious, ethnic, and cultural lines. Division has long been a tool of those that would control others...

If you believe that being American does not define you, but rather your own skin color defines you... then you are part of the problem, whether that color is white, yellow, black or brown. We deserve to be seen as individuals and as Americans first and foremost. The coalition I want to be part of is the one that my African American grandchildren, Asian wife, and me can belong to... next thing people will be suggesting is that somehow we shouldn't be a family because we belong to different identity groups and we need to side with "those like us"... nonsense...



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