Palestine should request a UN Peacekeeping force whose roll will be to secure the border between Palestinian territory and Israel and just as importantly disarm the terrorist groups using Palestinians as human shields.
A second UN body would be responsible to managing all the foreign aid going into Palestine to ensure it is being used to help Palestinians and not fund terrorist groups. Schools should be staffed by teachers capable of teaching peaceful coexistence. And economic aid should be used to begin building an economy to create opportunity. It is time to enforce the two-state solution with 3rd party forces.
Regarding "the land":
Semites including the Jews have the oldest claim to the land. Palestinians are relatively newcomers to the land historically speaking emerging primarily after Turkey conquered the area and began resettling Muslim groups into it. These Muslim groups co-mingled with others anda new ethnicity emerged. So, if history is to be the determinant, then Jews have a much older claim to Israel, then the Palestinians.
If right of conquest is to be the determinant, then the Jews have the right to Israel since as noted they have occupied the land for the last 75 years.
Only if you ignore the extended history of the land and the recent history and right of conquest, can Palestinians squeeze in their claim to the land.
The reality is Israel is not going anywhere. They will retaliate when attacked. We conquered Afghanistan when that country allowed terrorists to train on their soil and then initiate terrorist attacks on our country. It is silly to think Israel will not do the same thing. Yet thousands get killed, but the blood is on the hands of those who allow terrorist groups to initiate attacks against civilians.