Over Biden's lifetime he has said enough racist things that based on your criterion, he is full blooded card carrying racist. Do you think he is?
Why do so many people on the left give Biden a pass, given his lifelong career of racist comments and worse racist actions?
I see nothing in your article about Sajak, that suggests he is more or less guilty of racism than Biden.
So, the question becomes who get labeled a racist and who gets a pass? What are the objective criteria for distinguishing between two people seemingly guilty of the same behavior?
This is not a whataboutism response, but one more of intellectual curiosity regarding how our society decides Sajak is a racist and Biden is not... or are they both racists... or are neither racist.
My sense is Sajak, Biden, Trump, and many others older Americans are a product of their time. That is not an excuse just an observation. When I was young, people would make comments, that Jewish doctors were the best, if you were really sick, you would be crazy not to seek out a Jewish doctor (these days they say the same things about Asian doctors). Was that racist?
Are people who support Affirmative Action racist if it denies opportunities to minorities by virtue of their race. Are people who refused to use quotas to achieve diversity racist if they use a purely objective standard in their hiring practices that has been proven to produce better outcomes.
Is every person who condemns Israel's attacks on Gaza a racist and an antisemite or is every person that decides Israel should not have the right to respond to a brutal attack on woman and children the real antisemites?
It was interesting to hear a Jewish podcaster talk about antisemitism is present on the "far right" among some extreme groups but seems to be moving "mainstream" among many progressive liberals, who declare all Jews members of an "oppressor" class.
I ask simply because it seems our society has some very different views regarding what rises to the level of "racist" and what does not and often it has less to do with the action, than the politics of the person.