Not wanting to get into the whole debate... I wonder why it took until now to understand the truth about the "kids in cages" statements that have been made about the border. Why can't liberals be a bit more honest and do a bit more research, so there can be an honest discussion of these issues.
One of the border security supervisors who provided an excellent history behind "the cages" on TV the other day. Why can't the media be honest and share this information.
In 2014 during the Obama administration there were a number of cases of child abuse and other equally disgusting incidents that occurred when children were put in retention areas with their "parents" or even among themselves. Even worse children were being released into the hands of sex slavery rings posing as "foster" parents or relatives for these children being released by "child services" units at the border.
So rightly tougher regulations were established requiring a additional background checks be completed before releasing any child to any adult. I forget how high the percentage was, but it was higher than I thought of how many of the "parents" turned out not to be "the parents" and this further complicated things by increasing the number of children for whom safe homes had to be found.
And so more children had to be retained longer and as mentioned some pretty ugly things were taken place in those retention centers. Remember among all the illegal immigrants simply seeking a better life in America are some really bad people.
So for safety reasons retention areas which had been very large areas with many children in them were reduced to small "cubicle" areas to increase the safety for the children being held under Federal law. The reason for the "chain link" fencing used for the walls was to prevent any "abuse" occurring "out of sight".
So what was designed to insure child safety by the Obama administration was turned into "children being held in cages like animals" when Trump came into office. The point is not whether Obama "built the cages and used them" or whether Trump inherited the "cages and used them"... the point was they were designed to protect children during a period of retention until suitable foster parents or guardians could be found and background checked. Does that sound cruel?
The problem peaked during the early part of Trump's term when it was discovered that "families" could get through these retention centers faster and so more and more children were being used to aid illegal immigrants to get released sooner. This put a huge budget crunch on those child services agents trying to do their jobs. When Congress finally passed a supplemental budget to hire more people to process the children and get them released faster some of the problems eased, but the "cages" remained as a way to protect children from abuse.