Normally party platforms are adopted at the Presidential National Conventions, but due to Covid they did not do so. They did indicate that they thought the platform had they been able to meet to vote on it would have been very similar to that adopted in 2016.
Republicans don't do it better; they simply control more state legislatures.
Abortion is a human rights issue. Since life begins at conception, the science is pretty clear on that. You cannot ignore the rights of the baby. That does not mean abortion has to be illegal and keep in mind it was Lindsay Graham who proposed legal elective abortions up to 15 weeks which even 60% of prochoice women support and the Dems rejected it.
I think if you look at 2016, it was the Democrats that said the election was stolen. I could link a video of how often the Democrats said the election results were not real and so Trump was not a legitimate President. Your memory seems to have faded.
Trump was the first President that did not get the US into a war this century and thanks to pressure from his NATO rearmed just in time to supply Ukraine with weapons (something Obama refused to do). Also, under Trump, the Arabs and Jews signed a historic agreement.
The head of NATO thanked Trump for forcing European nations to meet their NATO commitments. But it is true, European heads of state did not like being pressured into keeping their promises, Obama never made them do that.
In my state, it is the Democrats that are eliminating books from school. And not just ones on controversial CRT but classics like To Kill a Mockingbird, Dr Seuss, Huckleberry Finn, etc. The real issue both sides argue is not about banning books, but what books should be in school libraries.
At the end of the day, which party supports the least amount government regulation, mandates, income redistribution, and federal concentration of power. Which party tried to eliminate the filibuster (designed to force bipartisanship) or considered using a simple majority to pack the Supreme Court. It is fine if you agree with Democratic ideology, but it is hard to see it as putting individual rights above majority rules.