Michael F Schundler
4 min readJun 29, 2021


No policy is good for everyone…

One of the most important things I have learned in life, anytime the government does things that are not absolutely necessary, it messes things up…

So this last fiscal stimulus bill with the $1400 checks in it as an example…

The idea of fiscal stimulus going to those that really need it, individuals who lost their jobs, small business owners who had their doors shuddered, college graduates that couldn’t find a job because companies were not hiring, even some government money to support those states that were hit with unusual costs not universally experienced by all states… but…

When that spending turns as it did to $10,000/US citizen and you are giving them $1,400… well not so good. Why they gave millionaires like me money when our businesses doubled under Covid seems perverse. We do property services and with everyone stuck at home… demand went through the roof.

So after the party is over and money is spent, there will be ‘credit card’ to pay for… The Dems will say pounding their chests… no worries, we will make the rich pay for it… but I thought we needed them to pay for underfunded Medicare and Social Security in the coming years…

No worries, we will make corporations pay for it… but if corporations are going to pay for it, why do liberal states entice them with offers of no taxes to relocate to there states. And if money can cause a company to relocate, why not relocate out of the country… wasn’t it just a few years ago under Obama we had to pass coercive laws to keep our pharmaceutical companies from leaving… Didn’t Yellen just go on a trip to beg other nations to raise their taxes so when we stick it to our corporations they have no where to turn…

And then there is the inconvenient reality, that 70% of corporate taxes get passed through to consumers and employees with the owners absorbing 30%.

Now let’s talk culture wars… my whole life I have supported and believed in equal opportunity. Growing up under Martin Luthor King, I embraced his vision and that vision is reflected in my conservative belief that race should never be the basis for how we determine outcomes… and so, I am happily married to an equally conservative Indonesian Chinese immigrant. My son married a conservative African woman from Zimbabwe. I eldest daughter married a man from Nigeria divorced him and had a child with a man from Haiti. Now we are being told we can’t help being racist because we were born white… how does that make sense…

Did Obama inherent his anti African racism from his mother who was descended from southern plantation owners? How do you explain a white woman descended from slave owners marrying an African from eastern Africa. All this time the left keeps repeating the mantra whites are racist.

As our cities empty out and people flee the violence for the suburbs, the Democratic response is we need to stop them by forcing the suburbs to become more friendly to the inner city poor who also want to flee. Is that the answer? Or does it make sense to eliminate the reason they are fleeing the city in the first place. We can’t change why people are fleeing other countries to come to the US illegally, yet we promote “fixing their countries” as the solution… but why doesn’t that apply to us.

You call Trump’s policies “far right”, yet if you look at who comprised his most solid support, they were blue collar workers with record numbers of Hispanics voting Republican either because of their blue collar roots or their association with countries where socialism failed and they know how the empty promises of socialism end up. As in any election, there are those who voted for Trump because he was better than Biden… and I suspect many voted for Biden in the last election because they did not like Trump.

But when you granular about it… if Trump policies were so bad, why did he gain ground except among suburban women and the wealthy? Many women were offended by Trump’s history other disliked his personality, but it wasn’t his policies they rejected as they often elected Republicans to the House with the same policies which explains how Democrats lost ground in the House. Trump lost the suburban woman vote by 15 points, that was devastating, but Republicans House wins were all women, minorities and one white male veteran. In other words, women not only did not reject Republicans policies, they sent more of their own as Republicans to the House.

The loss of the wealthy vote for Trump had little direct impact on the final vote count, but a huge impact on campaign funding. Combine the hard money spending and the disproportionate value of media coverage with the backdrop of Covid and the Trump’s ship went down… but if the Dems decide to fund their promises by doubling the taxes on capital gains, that support is history…

The single best thing that can happen to Democrats is if they are successfully restrained by the Republicans and the real cost of their proposals remains unknown while the attractiveness of their promises remain in place…

So how much of the additional debt that Biden is proposing do you think is “your fair share”… are you committed to say paying an additional 10–15% of your wages to support those things already passed? Or do you also think the “wealthy” are going to pay for it?



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