No, Obama lied. My insurance was through the state of California high risk pool, and it cost me $800 per month. With the passage of the ACA, all state risk pools were cancelled and over 4 years, my health insurance through the exchanges soared to $1800 per month. That is just me. Our total health insurance cost pre-ACA went from $1300/month to $3200/month for a family of four. So much for the "affordable" health care plan, he promised.
My family and I had different plan. Their plans were also cancelled as they were individual plans that had been "underwritten" and under the ACA underwriting was no longer legal.
Lastly, when suggesting that insurance companies or employers are greedy. I was an executive early in my career for both a Medicare program administrator and a private health insurance company. If you compare, private Medicare health insurance with traditional government Medicare, you will find the private plans offer more benefits for less cost and they have better outcomes... and yes, they earn a profit after all of that.
Private health insurance companies do provide value for the profits they earn. When I was CFO of the nation's largest Medicare program administrator, it always disturbed me how much "legal abuse" and "poor care" can be delivered under traditional Medicare with no recourse by the patient or government due to Federal regulations and rules. Private health insurance companies do have tools that they can utilize that government can't to insure you get better care at lower cost... though it often comes with some inconvenience.