My sense is she is representing the citizens of Arizona who elected her because she promised and swore she would represent them (not the Democratic party) and that she was a moderate.
Why Democrats feel the need to attack her, while praising Republicans for their independence when they do the same thing show the raw hypocrisy in their values...
When elected to office, your job is to represent the citizens of your state... all of them. As a purple state elections often go to the candidate that appeals to the center...
Wouldn't it be wonderful if Democrats realized that people like Sinema, Manchin and others that push for bipartisanship are exactly how this country was designed to operate... the recent bipartisn infrastructure bill was a classic example of that where no one got everything they wanted... then Biden and Pelosi come along threatening to blow the whole deal up...
What an embarrassment from a President that promised to heal the nation...