My references say the initial Palestine area was under the British control by virtue of the League of Nations Mandate. And as far back as 1917, Britain had issued the Balfour Declaration promising to support the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. This declaration was made before Jordan, Syria, Egypt or Lebanon were established as independent states.
So, when you say "belonged"... what exactly does that mean? Those countries were part of the Ottoman empire for hundreds of years and then under British control following WW1.
Since Britain declared an intention to establish a Jewish state before WW1 ended, I am curious as to when you think these other countries "owned" Israel.
If you mean that Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt claimed parts of what is today Israel or that part of what today is Israel was under their control at one time, that might be true, since several wars since 1948 have changed the map. But that is a separate issue and for as long as humans walked the planet, nations boundaries have changed as a result of war.