My primary news comes though a variety of news screens, the primary ones I use are… The BBC News, Apple News, Smart News, Fox News, AP News, Conservative News. I find the BBC new one of the better “liberal” sources as it is less political with regard to the US and more ideological. Of the sources, the AP News seems to be the least “editorially” driven.
But as you can see my news feeds combine both liberal news sources and conservative ones. I find nearly all news reporting biased in two ways… fortunately being retired I have more time to read and research than most.
Sadly today’s news often incorporates biased opinions rather than restricting such opinions to their editorial pages. In addition, news sources are often selective regarding what they report… a great example was the Hunter Biden reporting by the liberal media, which initially failed to run the story at the same time social networks censured the NY Post, but when they did run the story they ran it as a Russian misinformation story which turned out to be total fiction.
In order to be informed these days, consumers need to subscribe to both news sources on the left and right to insure that you are not being “screened” from the news. You also need to be aware of the bias. I saw an enormous amount of this with regard to Covid reporting which treated Covid as a political story about Trump and not a medical story intended to inform the public… As someone with decades of health care and public health care policy experience, I was shocked at how shoddy the reporting was and how much it was slanted as political messaging.
A great example was the nearly daily reporting of Confirmed Covid cases which has minimal public health and clinical value when testing volumes are rapidly increasing and yet was treated as an important statistic without informing the public with regard to how meaningless the statistic was… and suddenly with Biden in office, positive Covid case reporting has virtually moved to the back pages.
So to your questioning my sources, rest assured they were simply convenient when I browsed the net for confirmation, but the message is consistent with what I have read not only recently but over the decades when those campaigns were taking place.
But if you find any links that dispute the accuracy of those statements then I would be happy to look at them and research them to determine which one is correct. The primary purpose of a link is to establish a starting point regarding a particular fact. As such I often use sources like the HuffPost, the New York Times, and even CNN all of whom have been guilty of biased reporting and even occasionally getting their facts wrong… but again they serve as a starting point…
So if you don’t dispute the factual assertion that every Republican this century in a Presidential election has been called a racist and a Nazi, then we are both on the same page regarding this fact. Regardless of which story I link to…