My mother grew up under fascism being born in Germany in 1922. Fascism was born of fear. The politicians and the media conspired to create this fear. Fear that Russia was secretly colluding to take control of the government. Political violence (often staged) was spilling over to general violence and needed a strong government to control it.
Finally, their was the economic impact of the Great Depression, hyper inflation due to excessive government spending (partly do to war reparations) and a lack of infrastructure to drive economic growth (the Allies seized many economic assets at the end of the war).
So if fear was the problem… then those promoting fear are the ones we need to be careful about…
Who is promoting environmental disaster if their party is not elected, economic disaster if their party is not elected, and a “constitutional crisis” that only one party can fix? Even a change in the constitution and size of the Supreme Court to concentrate power in their hands?
Who tried to weaponize the agencies of the government by spying on our allies, the press, the American public as a whole? Who is challenging an effort to uncover exactly how various agencies of government operated to influence an election?
Obama studied how progressive parties seize power over a country. As a community organizer he honed his skills at the local level before getting a chance to demonstrate them at the national level. In his second term, he masterfully used identity politics to divide and conquer by assembling a constituency of voters who felt the “government should solve their issues”. Who would willingly trade their civil liberties for benefits.
In a strange reversal of traditional positions, progressives have abandoned civil liberties in favor of government control in order to force their vision of “nirvana” on the American people. Many progressives have good intentions, but believe Americans are to stupid to do things on their own and so they need government to make them do what is good for them. The basis of fascism.
Conservatives who tend to reject change are now embracing individualism which by nature advocates civil liberties and in the extreme form libertarian ism ideals. No surprise that civil liberties, liberals, and libertarians share the same root word for “freedom and liberty”… notice the Democrats are no longer liberal… they have become progressive (far less restricting when it comes to government’s role in society vs liberalism).
For those interested in true liberalism from a Democratic point of view, read some of Alan Dershowitz’s writings. He is a classic liberal. And how his party rejects him for it.
So at one extreme we have progressives in government, business, and the media pushing an elitist form of fascism, where the stupid people are told what to do by the elite for their own good. The power of this movement is that it tends to appeal to the masses by making promises it can never keep in exchange for the masses trading away their civil liberties. So for example, recruiting the young to squash freedom of speech on college campuses to prevent any resistance to the takeover of government.
At the other extreme you have conservatives that have largely embraced individualism, which while appealing to many is far less “organized” by its very nature, hence the term “individualism”. This is one reason why the extreme progressives have far more influence then their numbers would entitle them to and why all Americans must “organize” just enough to protect our civil liberties and prevent any party coming to power that “knows what is best for us” and “will drag us kicking and screaming to their vision of Nirvana”. You are neither deplorable (Hillary Clinton) or an idiot (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez- see tweet below even those two thirds of Democrats believed her when she said the world is ending in twelve years and you have to give serious thoughts about having children).
Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.
My challenge to all progressive liberals is simple. Show me the city that has been under the control of progressive liberals that is a showcase of where they are trying to take the rest of us. Why can’t their ideas work at the city level? So far it seems the people that benefit the most from progressive liberal politics are government workers… not the poor, not the rich, but the bureaucrats…
So to all those that trust government will be the solution… you have indeed taken the first step down the road of fascism… Fascism is not based on what you think is wrong or not wrong with society… but who you think can fix it…