Michael F Schundler
2 min readJun 26, 2022


My daughters are ardent feminists... and also oppose abortion as a convience. If women's rights are about gender equality, then feminism at the idoelogical level is unrelated to abortion. Nearly 50% of women oppose abortion, but it is ludicrous to suggest that somehow they are against "women's rights".

Have you drunk the Kool-aid by the radical left that tries to conflate abortion with women's rights. In fact, the opposite is true. As science has established beyond doubt that human life begins at conception, the abortion debate moves away from whether a woman has "a right" to an abortion to the more fundamental question regarding whether rights are based on one's humanity or one's legal status. If based on humanity, which is the argument that supports equal rights for women, then one must also recognize equal rights for unborn babies.

If based on "legal status" then what the government giveth, it can taketh away. This is scary. Free today, slave tomorrow. If government has the "right" to grant and deny rights, how safe are women, unborn babies, minorities, seniors, etc. from future government mandates denying them rights?

In other words, denying rights to one group of humans establishes a precedent towards denying rights to other groups of humans based on "majority rules". Not something, I think most women would favor.

In contrast, treating abortion for what it is, a medical procedure that creates a conflict in human rights between an unborn baby and a woman, protects the beliefs that "all men (and women) are created equal and endowed with unalienable rights.

Seen in this light, society must seek a "middle ground" that acknowledges the rights of both woman and child. In Roe v Wade the Court used this logic in their decision. But it was and is arrogant and pompous to believe an unelected body of justices should make this deterimination rather than the people through their elected representatives.



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