Michael F Schundler
2 min readMay 24, 2024


Mr. Butker was asked to address the graduates of a very conservative Catholic University. As such, I would expect his speech to be targeted to his beliefs as a member of the Catholic Church. I have not heard the Catholic Church denounce his message. In fact, the Kansas City bishop has voiced support for his speech.

If we as Americans subscribe to diversity, then we have to subscribe to being tolerant. Attacking someone sharing his faith and his observations on life with fellow conservative Catholics is the opposite of diversity and inclusion. It reeks of exclusion for not thinking in a woke manner.

Personally, if Mr Butker intended to address his comments to a more ecumenical group then a message more along the lines of your response would have been better received by a broader audience, but truthfully, these days someone would have found a reason to be offended.

I get offended when Biden gives his "race" speeches coming from a family that is one third black, one third white, and one third Asian... we are sick of all talk designed to divide America. But Biden has a right to say it... and we have a right to reject it.

As Americans if we truly embrace diversity, then we should not try to cancel or fire people for holding ideas we don't agree with (there is a petition for the KC Chiefs to fire Butker going around... disgusting)... Instead, we should reject people who try to impose their beliefs on us rather than simply express them.

The key words are "impose" vs "express"... In this debate over Mr Butker's speech when measured against those two words were:

Mr Butker "expressed" his views and those trying to "cancel" him are trying to "impose" theirs. The latter scares me as an American.

Either we believe Americans as a whole can figure out a pathway that works for them and so exposing them to different points of view is a good thing or we simply cannot have a functioning democracy because the "elite" have to tell people what they should believe.



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