Michael F Schundler
2 min readNov 2, 2023


Modern Progressive Liberal Ideology is grounded in Marxist ideology. Within that ideology is the concept of "the oppressed" and "the oppressor".

Under that concept, nothing done by the "oppressed" to injure, harm, murder, rape, mutilate, or kill someone who is a member of the "oppressor" class is immoral whether that member is a baby, a pregnant woman, or an elderly man.

Let that sink in...

People that think this way reject any moral limits to their behavior. An act is viewed based on its impact on the oppressor class or oppressed class and not on the "humanity" or lack of "humanity" exhibited in the act itself.

There is a huge chasm, between people who advocate on behalf of Palestinians and people that condone moral and ethical atrocities. For now, in spite of all the claims to the contrary regarding Israel's behavior, Palestinians and their advocates are relying on Israel not to adapt the same approach as Hamas or other terrorist groups among the Palestinians, but increasingly, I believe Israel is coming to the conclusion, that these groups represent the Palestinians, and the global response by many to these brutal actions by Hamas on October 7 contributes to that perception.

At the point, where Hamas and other terrorist groups become indistinguishable from the Palestinian people as a whole, things will become far worse for the Palestinians. The only road out of this coming disaster for the Palestinians is to sue for peace and ask the UN and NATO to come into their territories and disarm the terrorists, establish law and order, control the border between the Palestinian territories and Israel, and take control of all aid flowing into the country and direct it towards humanitarian aid and economic development.



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