Michael F Schundler
2 min readFeb 4, 2021


Miru, two problems with your response… the truth is Democrats have been trying to “lock up” Trump for years, the current impeachment trial after Trump has left office is an “abuse of power” in and of itself… and if people chanting “lock her up” trouble you… then this impeachment trial should turn you livid. If you don’t allow your politics to interfere with your judgement. A show trial without due process at taxpayers expense is as abusive as it gets… I say “show” trial because 45 Senators enough to acquit Trump have already asked not to proceed… and the Supreme Court Justice Roberts wants nothing to do with this monkey trial… but the Democrats press on…

Trump while he had the power to see Hillary prosecuted and it is clear she committed perjury in her testimony to Congress, which based on the Flynn case could have resulted in her going to jail. Trump seemed satisfied not to do that and simply use it for campaigning. If you don’t believe me on the perjury charge… just do a little research rather than deny it.

One reason why so many people wanted to see Hillary “locked” up is just to send a message that we don’t have two legal systems… one for people like you and me… and one for powerful politicians… but the sad truth is we do… Ever since Whitewater Hillary has skated along the edge of legality those in power have protected her. Regular folks are mad at that two tier system… you should be to…

Secondly, civil rights are only civil rights if they are “guaranteed” and not subject to opinion, censorship, or illegal suppression. I don’t condone hate speech… but people have a right to espouse hate speech in this country. I also don’t condone violent speech and there is a point in the law when people cross the line between protected free speech and violent speech. When they cross that line, they should be prosecuted. Living in a free country can be hard… but it beats living in country where government controls what you can say and read… or who can say it and write it…

Time for you to ask yourself, are you really a liberal or are you a socialist. The term liberal relates to someone that believes everyone has rights and governments job is to protect those rights… A socialist believes a small group of people get to determine the standards of behavior for society as a whole since government determines what and who has privileges and who does not… Progressive liberalism is not liberalism as the word evolved over time… I am classical liberal with regard to civil rights… and I find the suppression of civil rights by progressive liberals abhorrent… if they suppress Trump’s rights… someday they can suppress yours…



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