Michael F Schundler
4 min readNov 25, 2022


Men and women are relatively equally divided on the abortion issue. Slightly more men than women favor elective abortions after 15 weeks and nearly 72% of women of oppose abortions after 15 weeks. The more liberal minded Europeans depending on country provide a 10–15-week window for elective abortions. But it is not clear why unborn boys have no right to have someone speak up for them.


I did run a women's health physician organization. We had both an abortion center and a fertility center. So, sad to be working like hell to assist women to have babies, while other babies are being killed. Finally, until you have witnessed a baby being pulled out of the womb, piece by piece and then reassembled like a jigsaw puzzle to make sure no parts are missing, I am not sure you add any value to what a debate when you don't know what is involved.

Not sure what you mean by universal health care.

Again, as someone who ran a physician group, we never denied care to anyone that needed it, whether they could pay or not. I don't believe in forcing people to buy health insurance and it would piss me off when they did not but could afford it. The real tragedy is we spend more on health care, education, and the military than any other country in the world, but don't seem to be getting our money's worth. Sadly, all three of those things are largely government funded activities.

Actually, I travel the world quite a bit. My grandmother was from the Caribbean, my mom from Europe, my wife is from Asia, and my daughter in law (and my ex-son in law) is from Africa. I have been to all those places except Africa. How about you... do you travel the world and how is that relevant?

I am not sure you are right about why politicians enter politics in other countries, but I do support term limits and limits on lobbying and even political spending. I think every citizen and corporation should be limited to spending on Federal elections within their home state and no national fund raising should be allowed. It is insane that so many politicians vote "party" rather than in favor of their constituencies. I wonder how Pelosi, Biden, Obama, Gore, et al. became so rich... at least Bush and Trump were rich before they ran.

Social scientists say religious and ethnic diversity undermine "Kinship". And so, the more diverse a society the less it tends to feel a responsibility to others. My sense is it gets worse when politicians used identity politics to trigger "tribal conflict".

How many homeless do you know? I have known many, hundreds. I worked in health care and mental health during my career. My daughter now in medical school, worked at a clinic for the homeless for two gap years between college and medical school and went on medical missions to Guatemala and the jungles (not beaches) of Fiji.

There is no real solution for the homeless. Those that are dangerous need to be institutionalized. Those that are not dangerous should have the option to be institutionalized, but most won't choose it. The leading cause of homelessness is mental health issues, the leading cause of the mental health issues is substance abuse. Once people have fried their brains, they don't handle the complexity of independent living well.

You do come across as quite bigoted referring to MAGA voters as "trailer trash". To bad, someone that considers them to be above others is usually doing so from a feeling of inadequacy.

As for American being the best country in the world, perhaps the only way to measure "best" to view migration patterns. Over 150 million people have expressed interest in moving to the US. The US has the largest immigrant population in the world because people wanted to come here. We are not a perfect country; we are just preferable to every other country in the world at least based on migration patterns.

The economy that creates so many jobs and supports so much government spending is based on a market economy, where people decide what they want, and others make it for them to earn a profit to spend on what they want. The only countries which come close to that also have market economies with the exception of a handful whose wealth is largely due to natural resources.

You seem to consider yourself an expert on the world, but you fail to see why people come to America. My wife from Asia gets angry at the progressive liberals trying to undermine why so many hard-working motivated immigrants come here... a chance to earn a good living and keep what they earn. The rich from other countries don't come here. That tells you all you need to know about which countries cater to the rich and which ones provide the poor opportunities.



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