Michael F Schundler
3 min readNov 20, 2023


Jewish man reality? Who is Jewish?

Let me ask you a simple question. If your family were at risk of being killed by terrorists and you could prevent that by destroying the terrorist group planning to kill your family would you do so.

What if the terrorist were hiding among sympathizers, what would you do then?

Are you really willing to sacrifice your family and let them suffer rape, murder, and other violence showing up at their door, so you can be pompous and sound virtuous.

I don't think you grasp the fact that the Palestinians claims to Israel are weaker. Which is why, the Palestinians have no hope of regaining Israel without violence.

You need to study the history of Ottoman Empire. When it took control of Israel, it exiled Jews from their homes and planted immigrants from Turkey, Egypt, and Arab parts of their Empire. These immigrants along with some of the Semites that converted to Islam became the Palestinians. So, the Palestinians are the interlopers.

When the British conquered the Middle East in WW1 and took control of the area. It began to divide the area up into "nations" and most experts agree they did a terrible job. But neither Turkey or Britain ever recognized the land of Israel as belonging to the Palestinians. At best you can say, they were occupying land illegally taken from mostly Jews for hundreds of years.

Then after WW2 and the horrific acts committed by the Germans, Britain proposed a plan to partition Israel between the Palestinians and Jews, returning some of the land to the original owners and the rest to the Palestinians. It was the Palestinians that rejected this proposal and initiated the war.

War is hell. People die. Innocent people always die. We try to minimize innocent people dying by insisting combatants were uniforms. People like Hamas opt to hide among the civilian population and thus they are responsible for endangering the lives of the innocent. You should be angry with the Palestinians, they are not the oppressed, they are the oppressors.

When the Palestinians are prepared to officially recognize Israel and actively crush terrorist groups hiding among them, then there is a chance for a real peace. Let me know when that happens.

The Palestinians are the vestiges of Turkish occupation, and they continue to claim the homeland of the Jews. It is not clear to me, why you think the Jews should not possess the land taken from them, once they managed to take it back.

History says until either the Palestinians or Israelis give up their dreams to possess Israel, that violence will continue. Again, if you have a better way for the Palestinians to give up their claims (being as their claims are the weakest), then go to the Middle East and sort things out. But I can't blame Jews for using "shock and awe" to protect their families, since nothing else works.

Of course, I know leaders don't represent everyone... Do you think I believe Biden or Trump represented "all Americans"? Don't be silly.

I am glad you think of yourself as an independent thinker. One sure sign of an independent thinker is when they disagree with the mainstream positions of their "identity group". So, let's say you identify as a black woman, what beliefs held by most black women do you disagree with?

Where do you think most black women are wrong? If you can't think of any, then are you really forming your own opinions or adopting those of the group you identify with?

The strange thing is you called me a white Jew. But I am ethnically German and some of my family members fought and died fighting for Germany in WW2. Other family members including my uncle fought and died fighting Germany in WW2.

Nor am I, Jewish. But I did bother to study Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. as a religious studies major in college. I was on track to have a history minor and so I studied history and have since read at least one thousand books on world history. I identify as American and "American" includes my Asian wife and African American grandchildren.

I hope you are serious that you are interested in reading about the history of Jews in the Civil Rights movement. You might start with the link below. I encourage to


Perhaps if you research, you might come to realize that actually you do owe the Jewish people in America a great deal for helping blacks realize the civil rights they deserve.



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